Thread: The Courtyard
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Old 06-02-2017, 09:25 AM   #41 (permalink)

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Gryffindor for life Notorious Niffler

Originally Posted by SilverTiger View Post
It was sort of an unspoken agreement with their little group. Nobody would turn the other in for sneaking their creatures out of the barn temporarily. Honestly, Stasya sort of envied Derf his pockets where he could hide Scamander and probably Picketta now too. She just also knew that both Dobby and now Albus were much too active to hide in a pocket. That didn’t change her wanting them to see the world outside of the barn, and knowing she could trust her friends to understand was nice. Plus, she figured Professor Wayland would only complain if she didn’t bring Dobby back after her walk.

She had watched Emmeline to find out how she would react when Dobby had scampered over to her. Not everyone was okay with his sharp little claws and everything, after all, but she’d beamed back when she’d only slowly reached over to stroke his back. “Yep. He likes people, too. Kind of like me,” she replied. She was a good squirrel mama, and she’d only beamed more at the compliment. “Thanks. D’you think that maybe the headmistress and Professor Wayland just don’t know that yet and that’s why he has to stay in the barn?” It was a theory, anyway. Better than any of the others she’d had before now.

The question about Albus had made a giggle slip out of her, too. Even without the explanation, she knew what Emmeline meant. Not a real attack. “Mhm. It feels really weird when he licks my ear. Kinda tickles.” It was the one thing she didn’t really understand, but she also didn’t know if she really wanted to try to train him not to either. Maybe she’d break his spirit if she tried to make him stop, and she didn’t want to do that. “Your Nanny had pygmy puffs?” Honestly she hadn’t really considered having one before the extra-credit assignment, but now she was happy she’d signed up. Even if she hadn’t gotten a Granian foal. Albus was fun too.

Emmeline had often been envious of Derf's pockets for his pets as well; sneaking them out of the barn would be super easy with those. She was also glad that he got to do that without getting caught, though. Scamander and Picketta deserved to get out, but then so did Dobby and Albus and Sirius in the first year's opinion. She sort of understood where Professor Wayland was coming from, though. Grown ups never expected kids to be able to be "responsible" -- as Mum called it -- all the time. And they'd have to be to take care of the babies outside the nursery.

The Gryffindor didn't mind Dobby's claws. They weren't as sharp as her owl's or even as Sirius's nails. She wouldn't really have minded much anyway, though, because Dobby was letting her pet him! She continued stroking his back slowly as she glanced up at Stasya: "Yeah, I hope so. Sometimes grown ups have to see proof to bend their rules." She grinned at her friend and added: "So hopefully he'll be in our dorm soon. We just need them to notice over time." That was what Nanny always said about creature-related things. Emmeline couldn't feed the pygmy puffs by herself until she'd shown Nanny that she could do it right over and over. She hoped the professor and headmistress would come around soon when it came to Dobby, though. It was obvious to her that Stasya had been taking care of him for ages already.

"Mhm, Nanny has two." She giggled a little bit too as Stasya described the tickling. "They neverrr grow out of it. At least, Nanny's are five whole years old and they haven't yet." So Stasya had years of Albus' ear-licking unless she trained him not to do that. Seeing as the pygmy puffs ate ear wax, though, she thought maybe normal-sized puffskeins would be even more reluctant to stop. It was just their nature. "Were puffskeins first on your list?" Not that it mattered; she was sure Stasya would love Albus soon if she didn't already. She was just curious.

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