Gryffindor for life Notorious Niffler Quote:
Originally Posted by Erindipity Dora didn't know whether she was gold at spells or not... she did know that she was decent at charms like that, though. The younger girl's praise did cause hwe to blush a bit, thouch. Sheesh. Kids were awesome at not being susceptible to other people's opinions tho.
And for that, Dora loved the kid.
Wait. What? H E R O ?
Dor blanched at that word. She didn't fancy herself a HERO, but it meant a lot to her that Emmeline likened her to one. Then, without thinking much of it, she pulled the younger girl into a hug.
"[B]You're the heart of our house, [b]" she said with a wave of emotions.
Emmeline blinked in confusion as Dora blushed; older Gryffindor girls kept doing that around her for some reason. First Miss Noelle in the library, then Dora; she didn't understand why. She just told the truth and sometimes they went all red. She went all red sometimes when she was embarrassed or when Troll Boy someone was around, but the girls hadn't done anything embarrassing and there weren't any cute boys part trolls in here. Nope.
The first year was still trying to figure out why the girls would go all red around her when Dora hugged her. She was super surprised; her big brother wasn't very fond of hugs, and she hadn't been around older girls before Hogwarts, since she didn't count grown ups. Emmeline hesitated for half a second before hugging Dora back. That was okay, right?
Dora's words were confusing too. What did she mean, the heart of the House? She didn't pump blood or anything, and she hadn't been a Gryffindor long enough for it to be a symbol. Creatures were definitely easier to understand than big kids; they said the weirdest things. Emmeline thought of all the hags and Dark wizards Derf had told her were hidden on staff; maybe Dora thought she was part vampire? "It's okay, I don't suck blood -- or pump it like hearts,"she assured the older girl. She paused, then added: "I'm not a Dark witch either, not like the Herbology professor." Just so Dora knew. |