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The posters flashed to gold now! COOL! The reality looked even cooler than the idea in her head had been, and Emmeline beamed up at Dora. "Thanks, Dora! You're so good at spells!", she proclaimed. The big kids' magic and just how many spells they knew continually amazed the first year. She hoped to be just as good some day.
Emmeline was a little shocked at Dora's big secret, and it took her a minute to recover. She didn't want Dora to be scared, because Dora was clearly a Great Witch in the making or she wouldn't be a champion. "I don't think heroes ever really know what they're doing until they're done with the heroic deeds and stuff. My nanny says you just have to try your best at things anyway." That was what Nanny had told her when she'd been unsure about going off to Hogwarts, and she hoped it applied to these tasks too. She had a feeling that Dora would be really nervous until she was finished, though. But nervous wasn't as bad as scared...
Dora didn't know whether she was gold at spells or not... she did know that she was decent at charms like that, though. The younger girl's praise did cause hwe to blush a bit, thouch. Sheesh. Kids were awesome at not being susceptible to other people's opinions tho.
And for that, Dora loved the kid.
Wait. What?
H E R O ?
Dor blanched at that word. She didn't fancy herself a HERO, but it meant a lot to her that Emmeline likened her to one. Then, without thinking much of it, she pulled the younger girl into a hug.
"[B]You're the heart of our house, [b]" she said with a wave of emotions.