catching up part one - mini activity Mischievous Niffler
Kitty knew the answer to the headmistresses first question, but she didn't see the need to say it when so many other people were saying it correctly and her contribution probably wouldn't be noticed. Instead she just sat there and paid attention as the headmistress gave a longer explanation and set them to their first task. "Intaglio Ehwaz," she muttered out loud as she went to collect a pendant. She rolled it over in her hand curiously before going back to her place to begin practicing. "Intaglio Ehhh-waaaaz," she said, mispronouncing it slightly. "Intaglio Ehwaz...Intaglio Ehwaz...Intaglio Ehmaz," she said as she attempted to carve the rune in.
Truth be told, her magic this term wasn't up to par with her previous years and she wasn't sure why. Sure, she could still cast a decent charm or rune, but not as much as she could last year and she seemed to have to practice it more. Maybe it was because of how upset she was when thinking about the Statute or the fact that many of her classmates so strongly disagreed with her. "Intaglio Ehwaz," she muttered again as finally the correct symbol came into focus.