Originally Posted by
hermionesclone With his thoughts stuck on food, there were a number of things that Hirsch didn't notice while he hurried down the corridor. For one, he didn't notice that there was someone else in the corridor as well which led him to two, not noticing how close he was to the person and three, that he was close enough to step on the person's toes.
Constant vigilance who?
Hirsch let out a loud YELP and jumped back as quickly as possible. It look a short few seconds of blinking and adjusting his glasses to notice that the person standing there was one very upset and very mad Dora Umbridge. Uh. He stood there, eyebrows raised, while she shouted at him about... killing someone? What?
"Sorry, Miss Umbridge, my mind was somewhere else." Should he correct her about the logistics of killing someone by bumping into them? No. Not when she was clutching her foot. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"
Dora was giving the man a stink eye which would make her father proud. An Umbridge stink eye, if you will. And yes her foot was THROBBING. Couldn't he tell?
The blonde girl leaned against the wall and pulled her shoe off. Stupid Hirsch with his stupid glasses! Hmph. "
Do I look okay? I think you've broken my toe. " PAIN, AGONY!
That was all.
What were rushing off to do? " That he was endangering the toes of students. Hmph.