Originally Posted by
Irene Avery
The portkey had taken her straight to the stands. She cast finite nonverbally and removed all the spells from inside the task. Woah. Her eyes widened at the sight of the stands. She glanced around the stands, seeing a huge group of people. Wow. Where were the other competitors? She glanced and saw Louise, Kyle, Valerie, and some Hogwarts competitors. "Congratulations," she said as she approached Louise and gave them all a smile. "I think we all deserve a couple of butter beers after that." Irene had certainly had quite the time. She'd continue smiling just so that no one would see her true emotions.
The task had been completed? She didn't know how to feel. Part of her was a little mad at herself for becoming so emotionally invested in a dummy.... Isabel. She had appeared as a scared girl and she wasn't real. She should have cast the memory removing charm. She knew it; however, she was afraid of injuring the girl. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Irene chided herself for this. Irene would have to remember this for the future.
More practice was needed. For now, she'd just smile. She did make it out alive.
It seemed shortly after her arrival, others had started to appear in the stands beside her. Lachlan and Irene and the other Gryffindor champion, although were still some missing. Where was Aurora? And Jesus?
"Thanks, Irene! You too!" Goodness, was it wrong to feel pleased about Irene surviving the challenge? The girl was two years younger and had an amazing heart, which was probably what worried Louise about the situation. No doubt, the younger girl had become buddies with dummy, as opposed to herself, seeing it as a means to the end.
"Perhaps we ought to wait for the results?" Butterbeer might not be enough depending how they fared.
"That magicked dummy was quite impressive, no?" Yes, she was going to be talking about that forever. While she was good with the textbook spells and transfiguration, advanced magic like that was probably more awe-inducing than non-verbals.