"And scary," she said, in agreement, clutching onto your hand even more. The previous sounds in the forest that had been dulled out by the events with the hooded figure seemed to have returned tenfold. Your ears catch the sound of every snap of a twig beneath your feet, every sway of the branch above your head and every creature that passed in the shadows surrounding you...
Just when you think that the darkness is going to engulf you, the trees start to thin and more light starts to seep through. You step out into a wide grassy area and it's then that a number of things happen.
Firstly, the small hand holding onto yours starts to harden and turn less human-like. Looking to your side, you'll find out the reason why. Young Isabel seemed to be changing form right before your very eyes: her hair shoots up into her skull, her skin turns a pinkish, plastic colour and she grows up into the size of an average adult. Right next to you, where Isabel stood moments before, now stands a plastic dummy.
Before you could properly grasp this, a man walks out of the forest and takes away a disillusionment charm on himself. Put two and two together and you might come to the conclusion that the man has been following your every move in the forest itself. He shoots you a
look before saying
"Well done on completing your first challenge. In the future, make sure to wipe away the victim's memory first."
Taking out his wand, he pointed it at the dummy beside you and gave it a flick. The dummy rose to the air and hovered there, relieving you of the hold. He then hands you a small porcelain doll that has patched clothed, half of its hair missing and a wonky eye to boot.
"That's your Portkey. It'll take you back to the stands where you can relax for the time being."
The doll starts to glow bright blue, ready to whisk you away...
OOC: You may now look at the viewing area and other competitors' threads.