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"Cool," she answered with a smile as the girl talked about exploring. "I'd show you our common room if I had permission, but I don't think I would. "The dark forest is forbidden, in case you were wondering" she felt compelled to say then. "You probably already know that. It's covered with giant spiders and hags."
And ooh, she wanted to know what prefects did!
Smiling slightly, she answered, "Well what I said right now is part of we do: warning other students of what is allowed and what is not allowed. We help keep everyone safe and help manage minor complications for the staff, who are always overworked. I enjoy it, though obviously it's hard sometimes."
"I'm Kitty Valentine," she said, holding out her hand politely to the girl. "What's your name? I love your school, by the way."
"I wouldn't go there if you paid me a million No-Maj dollars," Aurora grumbled, wrinkling her nose. Seriously, why would ANYONE go anywhere NEAR a dark, scary forest like that? Even if it DIDN'T have giant spiders in there? Why did Aurora get the suspicion that this school was secretly trying to kill everyone who stepped foot in it? Between the moving staircases and the Forest of Death and secret passages that could cave in at any time...
"So like...hall monitors?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. Glorified hall monitors, it sounded like. She was sort of glad that they didn't have something like that. She didn't need people constantly following her, wondering what she was up to.
"Aurora Chae," she said with a smile, shaking the girl's hand in return.
"Oh? Have you been there?" she asked. That was odd, for a Hogwarts student to visit Ilvermorny - half their school seemed to be flocking HERE in recent years...