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Old 05-30-2017, 10:09 PM   #2 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Addyson Lynette Dane
First Year
Default Extra Credit- Olivia Holden- Confounding Concoction (Potion) - Post 1
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛

Extra credit?

Olivia was going to be there. Merlin. She REALLY was starting to sound like her older brother (Simon)- she'd never tell him that she went to an extra credit activity. Nope. Nu-uh. He was never finding out. Her lips were sealed. With her backpack slung over her shoulder, she headed into the lab and was ready to brew the potion and its antidote. But which potion should she choose? Hmm... the Confounding Concoction could be awesome. She placed her bag on the floor by her table and opened up her textbook to find the exact potion.

Ah. Found it. Now where to begin. Cleaning out her workspace and her cauldron of course! Had to have everything nice, tidy, and squeaky clean before she began her work. She cast scourgify on the workspace and then a quick augmenti in the cauldron. Then she took a brush and scrubbed the cauldron down before drying it with a heating charm. Perfect. Olivia was ready to go collect her ingredients.

She set about looking for the ingredients. Water. Jobberknoll feathers. Leeches. Olivia grabbed two feathers and two leeches and set them back on the table. The water was easier to get. First she would need something to measure the water in though. A graduated cylinder or beaker? That would do the trick. And she could also practice the non-verbal magic that she had been working on with Professor Marchand. She took her wand casting a non-verbal augmenti into the cauldron and followed it with another non-verbal heating charm. Now she needed to wait for the water to boil. Hmm...

What to do now?

In the meantime, she could prepare the jobberknoll feathers. She needed to separate the barbs from the shafts of the feathers.

SPOILER!!: Confounding Concoction- Mild

There aren’t many, if any, good uses for this potion, though it is not illegal. It could be used on prisoners or enemies but, as it has unpredictable effects, it is not recommended for such purposes. The confusing concoction is usually studied merely for honing brewing technique or to ensure proper brewing of the antidote.


water (500mL)
jobberknoll feathers (2 barbs)
leeches (juiced; 1-2)

Bring water to a boil
Separate the barbs from the shafts of 2 jobberknoll feathers
Place barbs in boiling water and stir 12 times clockwise and 7 times counter-clockwise
Boil for 30 minutes
Add leech juice by squeezing one leech into the cauldron and stir in an unpredictable fashion
Keep stirring until potion should thickens (within 5 minutes)
If potion does not thicken after 10 minutes of stirring, add another leech and continue to stir unpredictably until thickened
If potion has still not thickened after an additional 10 minutes, start another brew

This particular brew is a mild variation of the Confounding Concoction but, should be effective for several hours if an antidote is not administered.
It can be very difficult to discern whether one has ingested confounding concoction. Depending upon how strongly it is brewed and the person it is administered to, a person may only show a tendency to forget things and the effects will wear off in a few hours. Or, with a stronger version, a person can become completely confused and disoriented and could possibly suffer from amnesia.
There are no discerning smells or tastes so this potion can be easily disguised and given to the unwary.
One side effect of this potion is an increased thirst.
People under the effects of the confounding concoction can be very unpredictable.
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