Playing catchup Let your light shine || Be the sun || You're important. Always.
Noelle had been in the corner of the class the whole time... well corner of the group rather. Runes wasn't one of her best subjects. In fact, it was the only subject she'd done poorly on in OWLs. She wanted and needed to take it again however, because runes were important. Char proved that last term when she used them to defeat the monster. Not to mention, it was always impressive when runes were used. Like Brent and Levi in the competition.
Taking notes, and noting the horses. Noelle scribbled about Ehwaz. In face, Noelle had opened her mouth to give the definition of Ehiwaz... which would have been a mistake, as the professor was saying she was impressed that someone didn't confuse the two. Good thing Noelle hadn't actually gotten the words out.
Now was the fun part. Noelle watched as the Headmistress showed her... amulet. Then she chanted and the horse moved. Merlin... how amazing was that? To get the horse to trust you and cooperate with you using a rune. A bond created from a rune.
Putting her notes aside, Noelle went and grabbed a necklace. She took another look at the Headmistress' necklace before going back to her little spot. She was glad for her warmth charm. It was keeping her mind from the cold and on the task at hand. She used her wand to carefully carve the Ehwaz symbol into the wood. It was a bit hard. She kept glancing up to make sure she had the rune pictured in her head correctly. But once she had the rune pictured correctly, she pointed her wand at the wooden pendent and said, "Intaglio Ehwaz" Only she said it a few times for the rune to actually be carved in.
Once that was done, Noelle took a look around the classroom to make sure it was right. It wasn't centered perfectly... but it did have the golden hue.
Taking a deep breath, she readied herself to chant. She took the necklace in her hand and closed her eyes. "Ehwo ehwo ehwo, e e e e h w o o o, ehwu ehwa ehwi ehwe ehwo, ehwo ehwe ehwi ehwa ehwu, e e e e h w o o o." She started chanting.
...... Nothing happened.
Okay, she had said this would happen. Noelle closed her eyes again and took a deep breath. Thinking about horses, bonding, protection, she tried again.
"Ehwo ehwo ehwo, e e e e h w o o o, ehwu ehwa ehwi ehwe ehwo, ehwo ehwe ehwi ehwa ehwu, e e e e h w o o o." She got some sort of a flicker but not what she needed.
And again.
"Ehwo ehwo ehwo, e e e e h w o o o, ehwu ehwa ehwi ehwe ehwo, ehwo ehwe ehwi ehwa ehwu, e e e e h w o o o." Only this time, Noelle said it louder with more feeling and determination to make it work. A white light glowed but it quickly went away. She was getting closer!!
A few more chants (at least 5 more tries) were yelled/said/felt until a glowing was coming from her pendent. Despite the cold, Noelle had a little bit of a sweaty brow from the concentration it took to do that. But.. she'd done it.
__________________ You is kind You is smart You is IMPORTANT  Farah Dubey Seventh Year Hufflepuff |