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Old 05-30-2017, 10:10 AM   #58 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Siobhán O'Shea
x3 x2
The Kisapaths | Sila!Roti | -2 | TouchableHair | ToiletPaperGuy | QueenOfConfusion

Originally Posted by Crayola View Post
You would think that growing up around her Mum would have taught Daisy not to randomly sneak up on people who were reading but, apparently, that was a lesson that she hadn't quite learned yet. His startle wasn't noticed, mainly because she was busy walking backwards until her back hit the railing on the opposite side of him, but for a second there he had seemed so into the book that she had almost felt sorry for interrupting him.

That was probably why he took so long to talk, actually. Oops.

"Hi." She replied, lips twitching amusedly as she looked down at him and leaned against the railing, crossing her legs at the ankles. One eyebrow rose up at his words. "Heating charm. That's very clever of you. You would probably be cosier in the common room, though." Maybe he had a beef with the Giant Squid, but did he even know that Junia and Etta had been taken by the portal from this spot? While she made snow angels but that was unimportant for now.

Not a good place to hang around at, not at all.

Cameron. She supposed she knew that; or should have known that -- one of these. "I'm Daisy. I think you might know my brother, actually." Well, she knew he did but it was probably wrong to assume things. Even about second years.
Be cool, Cameron.

Looking up at her, he felt particularly small. Which he was NOT. He was basically a grown-up after all. His birthday was soon...ish. And then he was going to be a TEENager. Talk about being a grown-up. So, should he stand up too? So they'd be of equal height? Sort of. Okay, he would still shorter than her but he HAD grown over the summer. And his parents kept saying that he was going to be really tall some day. Only when was that-


She'd called him clever.

He WAS clever, wasn't he? Cameron grinned at her, forgetting all about his previous train of thought. So clever. She looked impressed. "I know. But it's usually very loud in the Common Room." And he preferred the quiet sometimes. Not all the time. He liked hanging out in the common room too. Would she think he was some kind of loner now? Because he wasn't. He had friends. Cool friends. Friends he liked to spend time with. "And I was trying to read." Hence his preference for the quiet. That made sense right?

Had she really just introduced herself? REALLY? "I know." He'd said that before he could stop himself. Cameron topped it off with a smile though. Smooth, right? People liked it when others knew their names, right? "Yes! I do! He's great!" Her brother that is. Mhm. Awesome. "What are you doing out here?" Good question, right? He was quite proud.
I just wanted you to know that this is me trying

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