DoM Veela
Join Date: Sep 2007 Location: Themyscira
Posts: 37,610
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nerissa M. Tate Sixth Year
| Wowza! Not everyone liked animals, but a lot of people did. Animals were the sort of thing that were not age exclusive; from kids, to adults to senior citizens--there were plenty of animal lovers to be found all over the place. Levi was ready to explain this and more, mouth opening, eyebrows quirking up. But then Clark did that thing again--the same thing he'd done before, the very specific, peculiar wording. It was puzzling, filling him with suspicion and making him stop in his tracks. "I don't recall saying," Levi said, shifting his body to be able to look at him directly in the eye as much as he could, and perhaps purposely a little too close for comfort, "that the prototype could change memories."
He did not want to call Clark a liar and he did not want to think that perhaps he'd risked his life for someone who had not needed to be saved. But the fact of the matter was that the thought was there, and it pulsed, loud and alive, in the back of his head. Though he was determined to get them both out of the forest in one piece, the suspicion that Clark was not being truthful was insidious in the way it contaminated Levi's mood. It showed in the way his eyes narrowed, and how despite their closeness, his body tense.
Not that it should have bothered him this much. It wasn't like he was being completely truthful himself. And yet.
The grip he had on his wand tightened. "Subtle," He murmured, the word before he was able to hold it in. "Fine, so--somehow you think the prototype can change your memories." A fact he'd never said, yet Clark had somehow guessed or known. "And reading between the lines here, Clark, you'd not mind if it if I made an executive decision and took care of it, myself." Levi said the words, slowly, to make sure the absurdity of the message got across. "Your memories, I mean. Me. A perfect stranger. In your head, changing your memories to whatever I see fit. Correct?"
It didn't matter, Levi realized. The insulation charm he'd cast on himself earlier, and it was beginning to wear off; goosebumps were spreading on the back of his neck. He was tired and he was hungry. He wanted his bed, a nap--he wanted his mum and dad, to see them again, and maybe he also wanted a hug from them. A long, admittedly well-deserved hug, and if anyone said a word about a sixteen year old Gryffindor boy being openly affectionate with his parents, well--he'd just stabbed and scared off a dementor. A well aimed levicorpus would not be out of the question.
But that wasn't going to happen as long as Clark continued to reveal himself as a muggle with incredibly sharp observation skills and a knack for making incredibly wild guesses that were somehow correct.
Levi was unclear how much farther he had to go before finding a way out, but surely time without Clark questioning everything would prove to be beneficial. It was either that or knocking him out, either with a rock, a punch or with his wand; but Levi preferred less violent methods so long as other options were within the realm of possibility. Neither of which, to be clear, included a charm that involved in any way altering someone's memories. It was--unspeakable. Foreboding. Made his stomach twist in several ways he hadn't known it could, and despite the cold, sweat pooled in the back of his neck and temples.
To twist someone's memories so much that what was once their reality stopped existing--it was out of the question. It was not his life at stake here, but someone else's. The mind was particular in that it was, perhaps, the strongest, yet most fragile part of what made human beings tick. Capable of overcoming anything but also easily shattered, if the right tools were used. Or the wrong ones, in this case. Vast, empty lagoons where thoughts and personality and words had once been could be left if only the smallest thing was done incorrectly. If they were lucky, anyway; in the wake of a badly cast memory charm, vegetative states of mind could be left behind, too.
Levi knew this to be true like he knew the sun rose in the east and set in the west. He'd read on it and he'd heard about it. He'd also talked about it, at length, in hushed conversations and pointed questions; they'd only made Daphne Hopton frown and shake her head at his inquiries, though no less willing to explain.
A memory charm was not going to happen. He was not going to be responsible for someone else's potential brain damage. And all he needed was momentary peace, anyway--hopefully.
Levi moved close enough to kiss, winding one of his arms around his shoulders, touching his forehead to Clark's own. What he meant to do was not easy; it was complex and perhaps even a little risky. He would not tamper with Clark's memories, but he'd play around in his head, for a little while. For thirty minutes, to be precise. It was not truly the merging of minds, this, but in a way, it was like letting your thoughts momentarily touch and lord over someone else's. Surely physical touch, too, would help as well.
And he'd achieved the patronus charm. Maybe not a corporeal one, but his had been strong enough to force the dementor to bounce back not once, but twice. He'd not imagined that, and it filled him with a renewed sense of confidence.
He touched his wand to Clark's temple and shut his eyes. The incantation for the patented daydream charm slipped out, like a prayer, and Levi thought of--London. Busy streets and busy people. City smell in your nose and the threat of rain. But the sun was stubborn and it was fighting back, rays filtering in between the thickening gray of the clouds. He pictured Clark there, happily out and about, meeting up for coffee with some friends, or walking hand in hand girlfriend or a boyfriend. Or perhaps visiting a bookstore, picking up the latest release by a famous science fiction writer and relishing the thought of quickly getting home to dive into a world of a million constellations and endless galaxies. Or maybe Clark would just go home, shelve it for later, turn on the telly and use it as background noise while he quietly, happily, took a nap.
Levi opened his eyes, and pulled back, waiting.
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