05-29-2017, 06:04 PM
Extra Credit Lab Extra Credit Lab: - Brew the potion and then brew an antidote to the potion, go out and test out both somewhere.
- You may choose from the list below, or choose one that's not on the list.
- Confounding Concoction
- Swelling Solution
- Elixir to Induce Euphoria
- Love Potion
- One of your choosing
- You can find potions here in the SS potion recipe book and Harry Potter Wiki
- There are no post limits for any portion of the extra credit.
- Brewing can be done here, Just label your post with which potion you are working on so it's easier to keep up with there and you will only have to PM me the links from testing out the potion
- Can earn up to 30 points by completing the extra credit
- Due by July 28 11:59 est