Hogsmeade Shopkeeper Dugbog
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 121
Hogwarts RPG Name: Summer Longshadow | Text Cut: Teddy & Corbin Quote:
Originally Posted by Awarlesta Black Teddy walked into the shop with her robe draped over her arm. It suffered quite a beating during the first challenge. The bottom was frayed and there were holes from snagging on branches. In all honesty, she really wanted to just get rid of it in general because the feeling of dementor lingered on it. However, she knows she should spend money on buying more warm clothes rather than a whole new robe, because Holy Scully was it cold here!
"Hello," She greeted, laying the robe on the counter. "May I please have this repaired? It's a bit torn."
Spotting the sweater section, she glided over to look for the absolute warmest one. [QUOTE=Harron Peasley;12220856][color=#8f0000]
He'd only caught the back of her as she swung into the robe shop, but of course Corbin recognised her. He quickened his pace, turning his collar up against the chill, glad they didn't have to wear their uniforms on the Hogsmeade weekends, and slipped into the shop after her.
Scanning the room, it only took him a moment to notice her stood looking through the jumpers. Slowly and carefully, Corb sidled up behind her, covering her eyes with his hands and leaning close to her ear.
"Guess who."
Summer was standing behind the counter, watching the door. Another Hogsmeade weekend had come, and it was only a matter of time before her shop would be bustling with people. Just then, a girl walked in and set a ragged-looking robe on the counter in front of her, asking for it to be repaired. "A bit torn"? That was an understatement! "Of course, I'll get on it straight away," Summer said with a smile.
She was about to take the robe to the back of the shop to work on it when a boy came in and joined the girl who was already here by a rack of sweaters. "Hello! Welcome to Gladrags," Summer greeted him. "Is there anything I can help you find today?" Text Cut: Laurel & Imogen Quote:
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch They were now about halfway through November and the temperatures were dropping as usual during this time of year in Scotland and that meant that her Divination Tower would become increasingly colder and more draft stricken as the days went by. Something Laurel wasn't looking forward to at all. Bundled up in a light, but warm winter coat and with her hands protected from the chills by gloves the blond professor quickly made her way up the High Street towards Gladrags Wizardwear.
Some minutes later Laurel opened the door to the clothes shop and walked in letting out a sigh of relief as the toasty warmth of hit her in the face. Pulling off her gloves she said loudly to herself as she headed towards the clothing racks. "I wonder if they've got any woollen skirts on sale and a long sleeved blouse or two." Quote:
Originally Posted by Optimist.Prime Imogen was late – not that late but she still felt like she was running against the clock whenever she tried to make it to Hogsmeade to visit with Laurel…really, this was something she needed to do more of, visiting Laurel. The woman was not only a true true friend but she was a career woman and gosh, she respected the hell out of her for staying at Hogwarts when it was that deadly.
Seriously, people had nearly DIED.
That was mainly why she had left, that, and the fact that Annabeth had gotten sick. Still, it was only after the semester had ended that Annabeth had come clean about faking everything – the little girl was a darling but she was also a whirlwind. ”Laurel, I think in your classroom that you could wear trousers and charm when into skirts when you are other places…like maybe on a date?” she was asking, still, she was mostly hoping that laurel was having better luck than she was. "personally, i might go with a nice set of gloves for Annabeth and Cordelia and maybe a dragon hide jacket for my new dig in Egypy this summer?" she offered as she walked up to her friend...well, she was just behind her grinning like a mad woman.
Summer had just returned from the back when she spotted yet another customer, this one a school professor. She couldn't help overhearing what the other woman said and replied, "You're in luck, Professor! It just so happens that all skirts and trousers are buy one, get one half off today. As for blouses..." She plucked a long-sleeved blue blouse with a bow on the front off one of the racks. "I have one here that would go nicely with your eyes."
Another woman soon joined them, and Summer gave her a friendly smile. "What kind of gloves would you prefer, ma'am?" she asked. "We have knit and dragonhide." And speaking of dragonhide... "Jackets are on that rack over there-" She gestured toward a rack near the back of the store.
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