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Old 05-29-2017, 05:29 AM   #18 (permalink)
Aiden Jones

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"That," He said, masking his own disappointment at the failed spell with a smile, "is perfectly okay, Chester, because I can try again. It can be a little bit tricky but just for you, I'll try extra hard." Growing up with three younger siblings, it had not taken long for Aiden to learn that the best way to deal with these types of situation was to reassure. It was over the moment they started panicking.

Focusing once more on the wand movement and the intended outcome, Aiden took aim once more.

A part of him was relieved that even while the spell had not worked, it had not messed with the boy's brain either. It was a good sign to say the least.

"Obliviate!" He tried, the conviction strong in his voice and his full focus set on the task at hand. Hopefully it worked this time. He did not know if he could keep a reassuring disposition for too long if he kept failing. Chester would surely think him a fraud.

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