Jupiter's Satellite When Tora approached the counter of Sugarplums it was empty. Not really surprising considering school was still in session. Drew's birthday was coming up and she wanted to send him some of his favorite candies. It was funny that she was planning on sending sweets to her brother when she herself had felt embarrassed when Gram had sent them to her when she was in school. Well, Tora had more sense; she wouldn't wrap them in bright pink.
Setting a handful (5 pieces) of Creature Feature Blowing Gum, 2 sugar quills, and a box of Licorice Wands on the counter, Tora looked around for the shopkeeper.
She started to get a little annoyed. Yes, it was the off-season, but there should still be someone, right? She tapped the counter impatiently before she realized her mistake.
Well, that was her bad. She pulled a chocolate frog from the display near the counter and added it to her pile of sweets. An apology of sorts for her stupidity and annoyance towards the unwitting shopkeeper. Also, she wanted the card.
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