Thread: Game Room
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Old 05-28-2017, 05:50 PM   #7 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Originally Posted by NifflerFan View Post

Dora said she didn't have to call her "miss"! This made the first year's day, and her face split into a BIG smile, because maybe one day she could be friends with Dora if Dora wanted to. Friends don't call each other "miss" after all. And, and, Dora liked her posters! Gryffindor was lucky to have two champions who were really nice.

Emmeline's eyes widened as Dora suggested making them flash gold. "Cool! How do you make them flash?" With a spell? Ooh, maybe Dora would teach her a new spell and then she could say that she'd learned spells from BOTH of Gryffindor's champions. How cool would that be?! And now Dora was complimenting her even more on her posters. "Thanks! I stayed up all night." Her first-ever all nighter was a big deal for the 11-year-old.

She frowned slightly when Dora said she had House pride. She wasn't sure she did, really. She often thought that the Sorting Hat had made a mistake, because she wasn't very brave. She did want Dora or Mr. Levi to win, though. Was that House pride? Maybe.

The first year's eyes lit up when Dora adopted the low tones; a big kid was going to trust her with a secret! That was HUGE! Emmeline moved to stand closer to Dora, so that they definitely wouldn't be overheard. Lowering her voice to match the older girl's, she nodded fervently. She could keep secrets.

The blonde couldn't help but smile at the little lion. She was really adorable. It warmed her heart! And that SMILE though. It was definitely infectious. Dora smiled and nodded as she watched the girl go through a full range of emotions.


Taking out her wand she pointed at the poster and said, "Colorus Fulgeo red to gold!" as she did the accompanying wand movement. Yep. She was pretty decent at Charms... not that she typically made it known since she and the Charms professor had a very strained relationship... meaning they seemed to hate one another currently.

But whatever.

Dora smiled at her handiwork before turning to look at Emmeline and leaning in closer. Her tone low, she looked around once more before whispering, "I have no idea what I'm doing. I just hope for the best. And I am a little scared of what I might be facing." Secrets. There you have it.
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