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Watson Olivia grinned at Professor Stewart's comment. Running the idea past the mistress was all that Olivia could ask for. She was definitely grateful that Professor Stewart was doing such a thing. "Thank you Professor Stewart. I do appreciate it." Olivia was excited either way if it happened or didn't. She was bound to meet more Illvermornians. And who knew? Perhaps she'd become good friends with them? It would all happen in time.
"Professor Stewart, did you have a competition like this when you were at school?" she asked with a curious glance.
"It's not at all a problem, with any luck something can be done and everyone will be making some new friends." That was part of the reasoning behind this competition anyhow. And to here there was no better way to promote the interactions between schools then something fun. Lets just hope the other staff and headmistress saw things the same way.
Camilla shook her head.
"Not in my time, no. It is my understanding that these competitions only happen so often." There was many years between competitions such as this way from what she knew. Being the adventurous type of person that she was there was no doubt in her mind thought that had there have been one while she was at Hogwarts she would have wanted to partake in it.