Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧ The smile of Isa’s face grew even bigger when Derf spoke to her. Spreading Hogwarts cheer. What a wonderful idea! She loved it! Look at that awesome shirt. ”I would love one! Such a great way to show school spirit.” Derf was so adorable. Obviously Isa was all for showing school spirit and spreading Hogwarts cheer. Wow, was that charmed to rotate between faces? "That's a really cool shirt, Derf! How did you get it to change the pictures like that?" Impressive. Must involve some advanced spells. Isa would have to get that one. Couldn’t decide which person to support. Of course Isa was partial to the Hufflepuffs, but all of the champions were great. Probably. Actually, Isa didn’t really know most of the champions, but it was still nice to show support for all of them. Either way Isa was excited to cheer on all of the competitors. She had been planning her outfit and making signs to cheer with all week. Today was going to be a big day. Isa was excited about the International something something something - yeah, she was just going to call it IMPS, whatever that stood for. ”Are you selling them or just giving them to people?” That was important to know. She was always up for free school spirit gear, especially if it was something that Derf had made. If she needed to pay for it she might need to take a minute to poke around her pockets to see if she had money on her. ”Have you eaten anything yet? I’m on my way to get breakfast. You could come with me, if you want. Or if you need to stay here I could bring you something.” Couldn’t let Derf go hungry. Did he have any diet restrictions? Was he vegetarian too? Isa didn't know of any other vegetarians at Hogwarts, so he probably wasn't. Then again, she didn't just go around asking people about their eating habits. Could be an interesting project.
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