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There was a smile in response to the reassurance that everyone would be okay, and that made Rosalyn feel relieved. Everyone would be okay; there was no way that the staff for either school would allow for students to get hurt. This was supposed to be a fun competition, and after what had happened last term it was more than needed.
Aaah, so Olivia was more interested in creating music than singing. That was completely understandable. Rosalyn nodded. "Well, you could always write music in your spare time and even make a side living off of it if you wanted. On top of pursuing another career." Just an idea. Really there was nothing wrong with giving yourself more than one option. [b]"Well, you still have plenty of time to figure things out further, and you know we can always give you advice. "I'm glad you like history. I think it's a subject that can get overlooked, but it still has importance." Not to say that there was anything wrong with not enjoying it.
The question was slightly surprising, but only because no one had really asked her that before. "Well, I always liked history and I love helping people, so it seemed like a good fit. It's not the only career I've held, as I've also been a librarian, but between the two I prefer teaching. I like helping people learn about the past." In her opinion teaching was one of those things that a person needed to be passionate about to enjoy.
Now Professor Newton offered an awesome idea to Olivia's semi-dilemma. She didn't have to settle on or choose a career just yet. She could pursue one and always have another on the side. She liked the sound of that. It sounded like Ethan and Simon's consulting detective agency that they had started back at Hogwarts. "
That's a brilliant idea!" She didn't have to choose just yet. What a great idea. "
Yes I'm lucky that I still have more time. My brother knew that he wanted to go into teaching when he was thirteen. He had it all figured out." She had been envious that he had figured it all out so quickly or it seemed that way. She nodded to her comment about history. Yes there was so much they could learn from history. The subject provided a way of looking at the world. She enjoyed it throughly.
Two different careers? Impressive! Wow. Olivia nodded. She understoood what she meant. "
I see what you mean. That's how my brother felt. He loved helping people understand and learn which is why he's pursuing teaching." Her brother was also more academically inclined. He enjoyed his research a lot. "
Im glad that I have more time to figure it all out. I don't know what else I could do for a career as of right now."