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Old 05-26-2017, 05:32 PM   #36 (permalink)
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FearlessLeader19's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: SHIELD's Helicarrier
Posts: 214,412

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dhruv Vihaan Khanna

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Zahid Atreyu-Rehman
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Idris Ace Grunt
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dynah Aavni Atreyu-Rehman
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Krittika Saanvi Joshi
Sixth Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

SPOILER!!: The singers! *pretends that they’ve all finished their songs for sanity purposes* CARRY ON THO! *eyes Derf and Abey* xD

Originally Posted by DancingQueen View Post
Sophie stared at the floor, her hands trembling violently where they lay clasped in her lap. All around her, she could hear the hushed whispers of the other students. Despite the reassuring words from the kind professor, she could imagine their words as harsh judgement and hurtful criticism. Her breathing quickened and she intently listened to the music to help assuage her terror.

The song ended and another one began. As the first notes sounded, Sophie recognized it. "This is my song!" she shouted, leaping up from her seat. And sure enough, it was her song.

Taking courage from the music, Sophie squared her shoulders and stepped up to the front of the room. Without even needing to read the lyrics that were sliding across the screen, she gasped the microphone and began to sing along. "And when you get the chance, you are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen!" A big grin split across her face as she finished, "Diggin' the dancing queen!"

When the music stopped, she turned to head back to her seat. A burst of mortification filled her as her eyes flitted across the classroom and she realized what she had just done. "Oh my gosh, did I seriously do that?!" Her face burned bright red and she hurried to the back of the room, feeling like all eyes were on her and on her alone.
Originally Posted by Zellanna View Post
Kyle squirmed in his seat. Should he go up? What was he going to sing? He finally went up and, with the Professor's help, picked out a song that was loaded on the machine. He loved to sing! But could he do it in front of the professor? He didn't know. He had sung in choir at the base before, but this was different.

The music started as Save The Best For Last came up on the screen. For the first verse and chorus, he just listened, frozen in his spot. But as he had listened to the music, it felt like it was flowing through him, and with the second verse he watched the screen and started singing. His immature voice of course did not match the original singer's, but her voice couldn't be heard, and he was able to hit all the correct notes. It was a little strained as he couldn't quite relax at first, but as he sang he started to overcome that little by little, finishing the song with a more relaxed tone. When he was done, he bowed as he was taught to do and smiled brightly, then went to sit on the couch. Whew.
Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
So how does this contraption work? Its a bit confusing given there doesnt look to have an instruction manual #RavenclawMoment. Most people seem to be holding back though, which he found kinda disheartening, but oh lookitdat, it took young Kyle to get things started "Whoop go Kyle!" Come on Hogwartians this is the second time this firstie shows y'all up.

And finally more brave souls started to come forward. Another firstie (Sophie), this time to ABBA. He knows this song well-- thanks Dad-- and sang along as she did. Yes big clap for you too young'in.

Derf and Abey took to the mic next. Oh man a duet with this song? Oh boy he's gotta see this. And keep the chuckles down.

Oh hello sit up and pay attention! Dazzling Denaker is taking the mic ladies and gents. He grooved to her song, she did have such a LOVELY voice, she's amazing. Singing along and clapping, she's getting the full on BESTIE support mmhm.

And just when he was about to step forward-- Mel grabbed the mic first. He laughed and stepped back for a moment, dont let nobody take her spotlight "GO MEL!!" he hooted from the crowd.

Maybe he should start picking a song now so he can come after Mel. Scroll scroll scroll... so many GREAT Rock songs, but at the corner of his eye, he caught Katy's look, were the songs too dated? But the really good songs were dated. Thats what made them CLASSICS.

But he finally settled on this little number, not too dated he hoped for those looking for a bit more contemporary tunes. Tenacius took to the mic and waved at the class "Ok you guys, here's something, feel free to sing and dance along, its a pretty cool number... Its called Carolina."

She's got a family in Carolina
(woo, oh yeah)
So far away, but she says I remind her of home
(woo, oh yeah)
Feeling oh so far from home
(woo, oh yeah)
She never saw herself as a West Coaster
(woo, oh yeah)
Moved all the way 'cause her grandma told her:
(woo, oh yeah)
"Townes, better swim before you drown"
(woo, oh yeah)
She's a good girl
(la la la la la la la la la la)
She's such a good girl
(la la la la la la la la la la)
She's a good girl
(la la la la la la la la la la)
She feels so good!
(woo, oh yeah)
He sang the rest of the song, kinda losing himself in the rhythm. Music does that to him, takes him in another zoooone. Were the rest of his classmates enjoying themselves? He hoped so.
Originally Posted by Optimist.Prime View Post
Melbourne’s eyes lit up when Professor Stewart explained the class project to them…oh merlin this was going to be fun and nerve wracking! Still, she was going to have a lot of fun with this.


It was something she had always looooooooved to do.

When she heard Hadley singing she just clapped and cheered! THAT’S MY BESTIE UP THERE was practically all she was thinking as the blonde phenom sang her song. Brilliant. Totall brillz, really, she could have gotten a record deal out of that.

”great job Hadsters,” she called out to the marvelous singer before she stood up for her turn. ”Oh…kaaaay, so the song I’m singing wasn’t really that popular but its beautiful and I love it” she was babbling wasn’t she ”its It’s all Okay by Julia Stone she spoke and tapped her hand against her leg as the song started the piano trilled and her hand kept time with the drum before she started wispily singing along.

"The Story is different now the records are playing in the living room -- and you may say you're wounded, and i may say I'm hurt" the gryffindor began to sing along her eyes even closing as softly sang along it was as if the original song was playing inside of her head and she wasn't simply watching the lyrics she was feeling the words and the song as she sang along.

Originally Posted by Callie View Post
Miss Karaoke? Never. Sing was one of the small handful of things Hadley was actually good at. So of course she wasn't going to miss this. The only question was what song did she want to do? Classic rock was always an option. She loved those century old rock songs from the 1970s and 80s...but if she were honest with herself, her voice wasn't exactly the most geared to that genre.


Hads watched her fellow schoolmates head up there, one by one...well, except for Derf and Abey. There was some good song selection going on. Who knew her schoolmates had such good taste in music? Learn something new everyday, don't you?

Still, what should she sing? That was the question. And then, one song came to her. Hads hesitated for a moment. Most probably didn't know it, but that was okay right? Professor Stewart had said any song since 1900 on, right? As soon as the mike was free, Hadley got up and made her way up to the front. She surveyed her classmates, pulse speeding every-so-slightly now, and took a deep breath that wasn't as calming as she hoped. " might not know this one, but I like it. It's called Chicago." She waited for the music to start and the words to appear on the screen, swaying gently to the beat and started to sing.
Originally Posted by Felixir View Post
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
As he listened to Professor Stewart, Derf couldn't help but feel just a tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiny bit dissatisfied with her answer and even ventured a glance towards Jessa who he was SURE was probably internally flailing at the lack of concreteness to the definitions being given. What it SEEMED like to him was really ANYTHING could be considered music as long as it was pleasing to the ears. Someone's ears. Which was really a rather Hufflepuff sort of thing, wasn't it? Music was a VERY Hufflepuff thing. He decided. Yes.

But THEN the Muggle Studies professor went on to answer Emmeline and his brow furrowed and knotted. Crups didn't JUST simply bark. They howled too. And bird vocalizations were for all the same reasons crups did too, you know? Well not ALL the same reasons really since they were all at different levels on the food chain and had different things they needed to adapt to in nature and such, BUT STILL. ALSO ALSO! It was basically a FACT or something that canines definitely had taste in music and some sense of what constitutes good music! ALSO ALSO ALSO! There was the neat fact of whenever they HOWL they are NEVER on the same pitch as anyone else and and and.... now he had let go of Emmeline's hand and he was so distracted by his own thoughts about this subjective and exclusive thoughts regarding creature vocalizations and whether or not certain animal cries counted as music and singing and whatever....that he NEARLY missed them needing to move on to the activity.

But you know what he DIDN'T miss? ABEY LOOKING EXCITED! Which was why he quickly sidestepped over to his best mate and nudged him with hiw elbow. "Duet!"

Not up for negotiation. Nope. Not that he thought Abey would protest anyway.

Switching things up and taking Abey's hand, he led them up to the machine and after getting some initial help with the whole set up was handing a mic to Abey and taking one for himself. He...SORT OF knew this song...only no not really at all. Waiting until the initial musical introduction was over he took a DRAMATIC pose standing next to his Gryffindor looking wistfully ahead and sort of upward with his free hand raise to the ceiling.

"We're s-sooooooooooooooooarin', flyyyyyyyyyyyyyying....there's not a s-s-star in heeeeeeeEEEEEEEaven that we can't reeeeeeEEEEEEEach...."


Abey was so hyped for this. SO HYPED. Already he was thinking about all the things he could sing right now and running through the lyrics to see if he could remember them and everything and really he was just BUZZING.

So, when Derf appeared right in front of him with his offer, Abey was intantaneous in his answer. "DUET YES!" Whoops, volume control.

Holding tight to Derf's hand, Abey dashed with him up to the front with him. He was quick to try and identify a song that he could sing OFF BY HEART, because reading the lyrics from that machine would be too difficult and take him too long and he wanted to have FUN. Soon enough, he had a microphone in his hand, and he held it up to his mouth like a seasoned PRO actually. Sort of. Not really.

And then... SHOW TIME.

Derf was starting them off, of course, and then Abey took up the next part, one hand gesturing out to the audience, all of them, and then to DERF.

"If we're trYYYyyyiiiiiiiing... so we're breaking freeeeeeeeee..."

Guh, did anyone else feel like swaying. Abey felt like swaying.

So he swayyyyyed.

The first person to take the mic was Kyle. A first year and Kay couldn’t be more proud of him to having the courage. She was also definitely proud of the others too, Sophie in particular. As each of them finished, she applauded from her perch on one of the couches. Yes, she wanted to dance along but she should show some restraint being a professor and all. Dancing and letting go were for when she was with friends.

Still clapping as one of the students finished up, Kay got to her feet. “What a talented bunch! Well done all of you! If you don’t mind, I’d like to give this a go then I’ll let you continue.’’ She already had the song she wanted to sing selected in her head and so she set it up on the machine and screen.

And so began her performance.

“I’ve seen it all a thousand times, falling down I'm still alive, Am I? Am I? So hard to breathe when the water’s high, no need to swim I'll learn to fly, so high, so high. You find the truth in a child’s eyes when the only limit is the sky, living proof I see myself in you.’’

Now for the chorus:

“When walls starts to close in, your heart is frozen over, just show ‘em what you’re made of. When sunlight is fading the world will be waiting for you, just show ‘em what you’re made of.’’

This was an ancient song but one of her favourites the Backstreet Boys. Show 'Em is what the song was called. Sadly, she couldn’t sing a song by her all time favourite band which happened to be The Script because they were Irish.Nevertheless… she finished up:

“Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh. Just show ‘em what you’re made of.’’

She had made it through an entire song! In front of the kiddos too. Hopefully they didn’t think too much on her average singing abilities. Beaming, she handed over the mic to the next student. “We have about thirty minutes left, everyone. So you may carry on. For those of you who haven’t given this a go as yet, I encourage you to. You’re going to forget about your nervousness when you get into your performance. If there is time remaining and anyone wants to have another go, that's fine.’’ Eyes on you eager beavers.

OOC: We have twenty four hours left, guys! And yes, I DO see all of your posts even if they’re not quoted <3
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