Originally Posted by
DaniDiNardo She didn't even know what happened. One minute she was seeing--quite vividly--images of her hybrid, baby dragon and the next, there was something...rather, someone bumping right into her. Jessa spun to see whoever it might have been, realizing then that it was only Kimi. Oh.
"That's alright." She tried to assure him, going as far as offering him a smile. "I get lost in my own thoughts too, completely forget the world around me."
It was rather typical of her actually. Her eyes sparkled with a new found curiosity. "What were you thinking about?"
Kimi smiled at Jessa and said "Well i was just thinking about how to keep well during the winter Jessa, i was pretty unwell last year and well i was just hoping that i would not need to visit the healer too often" Kimi was telling the truth and well he was hoping that Jessa would not ask too many questions