Irene was unsure if the young girl believed her. They needed to get out of this forest sooner than later. Irene still didn't feel safe here but she couldn't show that because that would probably make the poor girl more frightened. She tried to stay confident for the girl's sake. "A lot of practice and happy, positive thoughts. The happier the moment, the better. I can show you when we get home to your Mom," she said with a small smile." Getting the girl home safe was the most important task to Irene at the moment.
She remained silent, listening to the girl speak about getting lost. When the young girl mentioned feeling very sad and not ever feeling happy again, Irene crouched down a little so that they would be on the same level. "That's normal. I understand because I heard those things too. I felt very sad and helpless and cold.. almost empty... I heard you and then saw you with this creature. Did you see the creature?" asked Irene curiously. She paused, wondering if the child had.
Noticing the sad round eyes, Irene continued, "It's hard to fight that sad feeling but you have too. Think happy thoughts." Irene gave the girl a hopeful grin. See? Everything was going to be alright. Be happy. Think happy. At the mention of them being a stranger and her mother being angry, Irene nodded understandingly. "I'm Irene. I'm here to help you but I need you to be brave too so that we can get out of this forest together and get you and I both back home. I'm going to need your help too."
__________________ Coming soon. |