DoM Veela
Join Date: Sep 2007 Location: Themyscira
Posts: 37,610
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nerissa M. Tate Sixth Year
| Wowza! Hope made the dementor flee but it was fear and a painful sense of relief what made the boy crumple.
Wand discarded somewhere near his feet, Levi looked up at the canopy of trees and considered his life. Which was an awfully dramatic and unnecessary thing to do in the middle of a challenge, but he was past the point of caring. Despite the cold, sweat spread over his forehead, and his hands shook. An array of thoughts he'd been focused on ignoring came rushing back and the sixth year was left with no choice but to laugh.
He'd been chosen by an ancient book written by an ancient wizard so long ago Levi did not think had anything to do with him at all. He'd been chosen because he'd been considered worthy, though no explanations of what worthy constituted were offered and something told him they would never be given, anyway. Probably, if he went to Hawthorne, she'd say something cryptic like time will tell, Mister Kenning. It was the kind of answer that would give him a deep need to roll his eyes and maybe storm off, because he liked clarity and he liked understanding and his tolerance was low for the opposite.
Then it was the month he'd spent training, extensively, and studying, also extensively. Running low on sleep (lower than usual, anyway) and sacrificing time he could have easily spent--doing other things. But he'd gone along with it because, surely, he'd need it. And he had--but there was something to be said about preparing for the worst and finding out that the worst was really nowhere near close to the reality.
Dementor. An actual dementor.
Idly, he wondered if he was supposed to be angry. Mostly, he was just numb and in need of an extended nap.
Curiously enough, someone was talking. Not just someone, but the guy who'd been screaming moments before, and Levi did not immediately turn to look at him, but did raise his hand in a clear one moment, please hold gesture. Then he stood up and stumbled towards the nearest bush to empty the contents of his stomach.
As it turned out, he'd been nauseous, too. That made sense. It was a day for discoveries, after all.
Retrieving his wand, Levi wiped it against the front of his jacket as best as it could to get the dementor out of it as without using magic. Aguamenti was cast, and a jet of water sprouted from the tip of his wand. He allowed it to flow, for a moment, then drank, slowly, giving his stomach time to settle and come to terms with the fact that this was the best it was going to get at the moment. The boy did not think it was particularly happy about complying, but that was irrelevant. Levi had rolled with the punches until now, and it wasn't like he could stop--even if rolling with the punches meant he'd have to fight his own digestive system.
An interesting concept, to be sure, but one that paled when compared to a dementor.
He headed over to the guy and his questions, fully intending to drag him by the neck of his shirt if necessary. But he remembered his previous questions, and realized that three things stood out:
One: He did not seem to know what a non corporeal patronus was. This would not have been eyebrow raising in itself had it not been for--
Two: --the way the guy was looking at his wand. More than just looking at it, his tone of voice implied that, despite the fear, curiosity and wonder were there, as well. Which brought him to--
Three: Despite the incredibly dire circumstances Levi had found him in, the guy had not, at any point whatsoever, mentioned the dementor. "I--" think you're a muggle. Or a wizard under the very strong influence of a either a confundus charm or a memory one. Levi could not decide which of these options was worse, so he merely finished with, "--am Levi." Creating rapport was important. "And I'll explain, I promise. But maybe somewhere more comfortable? I'm cold, and hungry and honestly, I think I need a nap." If this was a muggle this was insane and illegal and wrong. But Levi kept his voice friendly and calm, as though defeating dementors in the dark forest and saving muggles was a thing he did every day. Clearly.
Levi pointed his wand at the soil all around him and muttered, "aguamenti," again. He stopped the jet of water, then held his wand just above the puddle, moving it clockwise , stirring the water with the soil until it gave way to mud. Using his wand was an option, certainly a less personal and cleaner one; but if the dementor had taught him anything it was that direct contact was effective. Levi set the wand back down and dipped both his index and middle finger into the mud.
Tentatively, he raised his hand and looked at the guy evenly, using the same tone as before, though a touch of urgency did slip in. "I need you to hold still. I won't take long and you won't feel a thing. It'll help you feel better." A quick cheering charm could have been easier and perhaps more subtle; but they were not out of the forest yet, and he was now responsible for another human being. Maintaining his energy and whatever was left of his wand magic was important. And so he used the mud to draw algiz for protection in one of the guy's cheeks, and sowilo in the other, for vitality and the energy of the sun. "There. I think. Just, please, don't touch your face?"
Levi grabbed his wand, tapping it once against his own thigh and non-verbally casting an insulation charm on himself. Probably not as strong as it could have been had it been verbal, but it'd have to do for now. The guy was alarmed as it was, yes, but Levi had spotted the glint of curiosity before, and this was not the time for questions. The sixth year shrugged off his jacket and walked around to place it around his new companion's shoulders. "Are you okay to walk? We need to move." Pause. "And, sorry, but what's your name?"
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