Gaston looked at his students. Most of the groups still ahdn't finished the activity, and his heart sank, Ha he given them too much work? Or not enough time? He wanted to give them more time, but... He glanced at his watch. Class was over, there was no way around it.
"And time is up!" he said for all the class to hear. "
If you haven't finished yet, you may take your materials with you to finish on your own time -"
Before he could finish speaking,
Mr. Ashbury-Hawthorne's heating charm went awry, and hot butter was everywhere! The professor-turned-pirate's bright blue eyes widened in panic as he drew his wand and made the butter covering him vanish before any harm could be done. Oh, no! No one had gotten burned by that, had they? He'd never forgive himself! "Is anyone injured?" he cried, his frightened eyes darting around the room.
OOC: I'm so sorry, but I have to end the lesson now. If you didn't complete the activity, you can take your materials with you to finish if you wish. I'll leave the thread open for 24 MORE HOURS for those who want to post their charries leaving/reacting to the butter incident.