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Old 05-25-2017, 09:13 AM   #9 (permalink)

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Join Date: Apr 2017
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Default mentions, mostly Stasya and Jessa
Gryffindor for life Notorious Niffler

It was way too cold in this castle. Emmeline was shivering as she entered the classroom, and she was holding her robes as tightly around herself as she could to keep the precious warmth from escaping. Of course, she might be so cold because she'd forgotten to grab her cloak this morning and had run down to the nursery to see Sirius anyway -- but she'd been worried about him. Barns weren't much cover for the poor creatures. Sirius had been fine; she supposed she should have thought of his fur coat before she went all the way down there and back to the castle for this very lesson, but it was too late now. "M-morning, Professor,"she greeted the teacher kind of quietly. The heating spells were definitely helping already, but the first year still made a beeline for the hot chocolate.

Derf had warned her about the food professors gave out, but she saw several older kids with cups too, and Stasya, and Jessa, so she figured this hot chocolate was okay.

Everyone in the classroom got a smile and a wave from Emmeline; she knew most of them since they were her Housemates except for Jessa. She picked a seat in easy talking-distance of Stasya AND Jessa. "Hi Stasya! Hi Jessa!". There were still seats in between the girls though, because what about Derf and Abey? Although sometimes Abey sat with older kids, she'd left a seat for him if he wanted it.

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