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Old 05-25-2017, 08:56 AM   #134 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by SilverTiger View Post

Another glance back had made Stasya pause in her steps, as she noticed how much Derf looked like a lost little puppy waiting for a partner and she wondered if she should have just stayed over by him. Or if she should have asked an older student, having seen the little smile Liv had sent in her direction before ending up working with Rooney anyway. Maybe it would have been easier, but she still felt like she’d get to work with everyone at some point or another. And Emmeline had asked, even if it hadn’t been specifically to her. And Etta had gone over to Derf, so things were all good and she turned back to Emmeline in time to catch her friend’s smile and her agreeing to work with her. “It will be,” she replied with a nod. She knew it was going to be fun. They were making popcorn balls after all.

She had watched as Emmeline had cast the heating charm on the popcorn in the bowl, trying to will the spell to work for her. Plus, it gave her another chance to watch it being cast, although she had taken her wand out and started quietly practicing the movements while she waited for her turn. She had jumped a little as she had cast it the third time really loud, her own wand sort of stutter-stopping halfway through the little flame shape, but she gave her a grin anyway. “‘Sokay.”

They had their popcorn now, which was exciting, but there was still a lot left to go. “But someone has to add the other stuff,” she pointed out. “We can both make the balls later and do the freezing,” she added with another nod. She was okay with trying to keep the charm up for a while, as long as she actually managed to cast the charm. She’d been practicing the fire charm, so she thought a heating charm should be easier.

Putting the butter into the empty bowl, she kept her eyes on it as she pointed her wand again. Making sure she wasn’t going to cast the charm anywhere else, she made the little flame shape again with the tip of her wand. “Calefacio!” It looked like the butter sort of started to melt, but not really so she focused on it even more. “Calefacio!!!,” she repeated, a little bit stronger, and let out a little giggle when the butter melted more. Now she just had to make sure it all melted evenly, or at least that’s what the instructions said. Plus she had to let Emmeline add the other stuff.

SPOILER!!: popcorn ball recipe
2 cups unpopped popcorn
1 tablespoon butter
1 cup white sugar
1 cup molasses
1/2 teaspoon salt


Pour unpopped popcorn into one bowl. Pop corn using a heating charm (Calefacio).

In the other bowl, melt butter using a heating charm. While one partner is doing this, the other stirs in the sugar, molasses, and salt. Continue to heat by moving wand evenly over the entire surface of the mixture. This process should take about 5 minutes.

Pour mixture over corn, while stirring popcorn thoroughly. Butter hands lightly. Shape popcorn into 12 to 14 balls, and decorate with candy bits if desired.

Cool finished popcorn balls with a cooling charm (Frigidus), and enjoy!

Emmeline had been watching Derf out of the corner of her eye; if he hadn't found a partner, she or Stasya would have gone over there. She didn't have to worry about him for long, though, because the Hufflepuff champion had partnered up with him really quickly. She suppressed a smile as she watched them for a second; did Derf have a crush on his housemate? She felt like Derf had a thing for older girls. She didn't really understand it, but she supposed no one could help who they like liked.

What were they doing again? Right, Charms. Emmeline was glad that Stasya didn't think it was unfair that she had to cast the healing spell for five whole minutes, and she grinned at Stasya when the other girl got the heating spell perfectly right on her second try.

Now, how was she going to stir this stuff in when they hadn't learned a stirring spell? Emmeline took out the other ingredients one by one from the box and opened their packaging enough that they would be easily poured/stirred in. To her relief, there was a small wooden spoon in their box.

The first year carefully measured out 1 cup of white sugar, and poured it into the butter bowl. She stirred it up a bit with one hand while pouring the cup of molasses with her wand/right hand. Some of the molasses spilled on the desk as a result, but they still had a cup's worth that Emmeline stirred into the mixture. Lastly, she measured out 1/2 a teaspoon of salt and dumped that into the bowl too, keeping the stirring up as much as possible the whole time. She'd seen Slinky, their house-elf, bake stuff in the kitchen when she was little, so she was pretty sure that that was how to stir stuff in.

Now to keep stirring until their 5 minutes was up. "Doing alright there?", she asked Stasya; her friend had the harder job after all, and Emmeline had been so focussed on the other ingredients that she hadn't paid attention to how Stasya's casting was going. Her friend seemed really good at Charms, though, so she wasn't really worried.

Emmeline glanced down at her watch as she continued to stir: "Five minutes are almost up, right?" She thought so, but she'd check with Stasya to make sure they agreed before they moved on.

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