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Old 05-25-2017, 04:37 AM   #4 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Default Can we sit witchu?!

Originally Posted by Oesed View Post
There was no real reason for Levi to continue taking History of Magic on a NEWT level; it just wasn't one of the classes required for the career path he intended to follow. But he decided against dropping the subject altogether because it required thinking and reading, activities he found stimulating and therefore enjoyed immensely.

He wandered into the classroom and shot a smile at Professor Newton. His nose wrinkled, at the smell of chocolate, and Levi allowed it to lead the way. The snacks he passed on, but the hot chocolate was a treat and he helped himself generously with it before finding a seat somewhere around the middle of the classroom.

Oh, right. Smiles were likely not considered enough as far as greetings went.

"Hello, Professor."
Dora passed the professor and entered the room. She DEFINITELY had reasons to be in HoM class. For real. Not that she needed to justify it to anyone, bro.

Oh wait. Professor.

"Good day, Professor, " she said sweetly as before swiftly turning and making her way to her housemate. She didn't yet utter a word to him. Currently she was digging through her bag for her quill and parchment. ...and trying to ignore the fact that he had taken DRINK FROM A PROFESSOR.

It made her eye twitch involuntarily. But, with great effort, she kept it in. No need to repeat that particular class last term.


Once she had finally settled back, the blonde girl crossed her hands on top of her desk and smiled over at Levi. "Hey. How's it goin? "

BOOM! NAILED THE CASUAL GREETING. Also don't look at the twitchy eye.

And there was the Ravenclaw that seemed to recoil at her very presence. Jessa. How odd. WHATEVER COULD DORA HAVE DONE TO make her feel... whatever she had felt about her? CURIOUS. But the Gryffindor covered her twitchy eye with one hand before waving with the other. A smile was even offered. "And you, Jessa... how are you? " Not abrasive.

Weird, but not abrasive.

Last edited by Erindipity; 05-25-2017 at 04:40 AM. Reason: Adding Jessa!
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