DMAC Firecrab
Join Date: Apr 2017
Posts: 739
| Gryffindor for life Notorious Niffler Quote:
Originally Posted by SilverTiger Most of the comment had just been about how she’d agreed with the others, but Stasya had still grinned when Professor Marchand had still acted like she’d said something right. Plus, he’d said there was a spoon-stirring spell, which made her that much more curious. Except, before she could ask if he’d teach her what that was, he’d moved on with the lesson and they weren’t going to learn that. Or a lot of the other spells that people had mentioned, but as he’d mentioned heating charms she’d started to wonder if they were going to be using Incendio. She knew that one already, so it would have disappointed her if she didn’t get to learn something new. She still paid attention to the demonstration, though, getting a bit more excited gain when he didn’t use Incendio. New spells were always interesting, and she made sure to write down the information about the two spells before she forgot what they were.
When they’d been told to choose partners, she had completely frozen for a second. There were just too many people to choose from. Except she kind of thought Liv might work with Rooney, but there were still other older students she could learn from. Or Derf, and she had actually looked over at him quickly before she’d heard Emmeline. “I’ll work with you if you want,” she said after another second, moving the few feet to join her at her table. There’d be plenty of other times she could work with everyone else she wanted to work with, she thought. Maybe. Working with Emmeline would be fun too, and they were making popcorn balls. That had to be fun.
Emmeline shot Stasya a grateful smile as the other girl came over to her desk. "Yeah! Should be fun! She hoped so anyway. She knew Stasya liked to work with older kids, so she was doubly happy that her friend had picked her as a partner instead. She definitely wouldn't let Stasya down! Hopefully...
Grabbing the recipe card, Emmeline dumped the two cups of popcorn into one of their bowls. Now time for the first new spell. She took her wand out of her holster kind of hesitantly, because she usually didn't get new spells right on the first try. On the other hand, the wand shop lady had said her wand was really good at fire spells, and a heating spell was similar, maybe.
She decided to practice the wand movement by itself a couple of times first, to make doubly sure that she could do it properly. Once she felt better about it, she aimed her wand at the popcorn, repeated the flame sign, and muttered: "Calefacio!" Annnd, absolutely nothing happened.
Okay then. Time for a second try. Emmeline drew a flame with her wand once again, and said: "Calefacio!" A few of the kernels popped, but that still wasn't the result they needed. She was determined to cast this spell properly; she wasn't going to make Stasya do more than half of the work.
For some reason, Mr. B's advice in flying lessons came back to her: "Show it who's boss." Surely that could be applied to stubborn popcorn as well as brooms? Fixing the popcorn with a determined look, Emmeline drew another flame with her wand and said more loudly: "Calefacio!" This time the popcorn cooperated better and began popping right away, until the whole bowl had transformed into white, fluffy goodness.
Maybe that was too loud, though. Oops. "Sorry, Stasya!", she muttered in a MUCH softer tone of voice. She didn't always have to yell to get spells to work. Really.
That was the first step done, though. Emmeline's eyes widened as she read the next step in the instructions, because that silly spell had to work for 5 whole minutes! Maybe she should've let Stasya pop the corn, because that sounded better than this step. Glancing at her friend, she pointed down at the second step: "Maybe we can trade places or something?" So that neither of them was holding the spell for the whole time. It was up to Stasya, really. |