He'd pressed onward from his position between the trees, using his wand to illuminate the way forward. It seemed to him that the path ahead would be linear, with no cause to deviate into the surrounding darkness. But then again, that seemed too simple a task. Was the challenge to merely survive for however long? ....How far had he walked at this point?
Face set, Lachlan paused again, raking a free hand through his hair. The shifting shadows had a way of playing tricks on his mind. More than once, the American had thought he'd seen something menacing lurking just on the edge of his wand light, but after redirecting its beam...nothing had been there. No awaiting monsters. No evil meaning to do him harm. More than once, Lachlan had thought he'd felt a physical cold breath on the back of his neck, sending chills down his spine. His imagination? Paranoia? At one point, he'd turned to start walking backward, facing the way he'd come...but that had been a terrible idea, as his foot had caught on some raised roots, causing the boy to take a slight tumble down on his backside. Hissing in pain, it had taken Lachlan a moment to right himself. Now he would carry on with the dull throb. Too bad healing magic wasn't his area of expertise. There would be a bruise. ..................Was that a scream?!
Startled by the sudden shrill sound, Lachlan's wand slipped from his grasp, clattering to the forest floor where it promptly sputtered out. Cloaked in complete darkness, he did his best to soothe his own mind about this predicament. And it was a predicament, but...this was also a school competition for an important scholarship. His professors would not allow anything truly terrible to happen to him. There was no real danger of death.....This was a controlled forest... Suddenly, another scream sliced through the heavy silence. One that was more terrified and ear-splitting than the previous. Lachlan's mind knew this was meant for the competition. He knew that...but it only caused his paranoia to grow further. So much so that he'd just imagined something had brushed across his back. Phantom hands. Despite the numerous warming charms, the entirety of his body was one giant shudder from the penetrating chill.
Flexing and working out his fingers, as they were beginning to shiver, Lachlan leaned forward to retake his wand. Simple Lumos wouldn't work for him. He'd need Lumos Maxima. Gentle nature shaken, Lach couldn't quite muster the strength of mind to perform the spell non-verbally. With a soft, thick Mississippi mumble, it took a moment, but eventually...his light had returned. And the screaming had continued...
Heart racing and adrenaline pumping, he fought against the desire to turn tail and run. He wasn't brave, but...he also didn't want to quit. Lachlan wasn't a quitter. That would've been against his morals. Unsouthern. So, with a deep breath and allowing no time to talk himself out of it, he sprinted forward. Perhaps that was the task. Saving someone. A decoy, surely, as no one would be placed in real harm's way. Lachlan refused to believe any adults would knowingly do that. A touch naive, this one.
__________________  .................................................. ..................Paradise comes at a price that I am not prepared to pay. .................................................. ..........................................What were we built for? Will someone tell me, please?
Last edited by Lachlan Wheeler; 05-25-2017 at 04:34 PM.