Disappointed was not quite the right word for how Kyle felt when his bluebell flames didn't set the Dementor on fire even a little bit (which was something he had maybe been eager to see, because while knowing the fire couldn't really hurt the thing, it could definitely burn away material, and wouldn't a blue-burning Dementor have been quite the spectacle?).
He supposed that the important part was that his patronus - disappointing and inevitably non-corporeal though it was - had worked. Kyle kept his wand held steady even as the Dementor disappeared back into the trees, not trusting that it would stay away, or that it was here alone. He didn't know how long he stood there, but Kyle waited for the silvery substance to completely disappear, before turning his attention to woman who had almost become the Dementor's victim. It seemed as though... he had to help her.
Which was problematic, to say the least. Kyle was not a people-person, not the kind of person who was naturally gifted at comforting or healing, and his bedside manner... left a
lot to be desired.
Again, Kyle conjured a set of
bluebell flames directly into his hand. Using them as his light source again, he did a quick scan of his immediate environment, but the frustrating truth was that the light they gave off didn't penetrate very far at all when he was this deep into the dark forest. But he needed to stay alert to his surroundings, and how could he do that while focusing on somethi-- uh, on some
one else?
Obviously, the answer was 'with magic'.
Deciding he no longer needed to be Disillusioned, not now that he was dealing with someone who would probably need to see him to avoid completely freaking out, Kyle turned his wand on himself and, doing that fiddly 'shield-drawing' wand movement, he
"Finite," his voice coming out in a low mutter, feeling rather than seeing as the Disillusionment Charm was lifted. Immediately after, he followed up with a
Supersensory Charm, to sharpen his senses but only for the time-being, while he saw to the woman. Merlin only knew how loud and dramatic the rest of the challenge was likely to get (if it went on for much longer? which, hopefully, it did), by which point the charm would be more a hindrance than a help.
Now then, the woman who may or may not be an innocent victim. Kyle crouched down, and placed his harmless bluebell flames on the ground between himself and the woman. Had he known how to flawlessly cast one, a Stealth-Censoring Charm might have been perfect right about now, but he found them exceptionally tricky to cast successfully, so it was best to avoid THAT disaster.
Perhaps helping should come first. Yes, probably. In the meantime, Kyle would silently suspect a trap, and perhaps even lowkey hope for one, so that he could show off his decent magic skills rather than his sub-par people ones.
"Uhh... there, there..." Kyle tried, but didn't dare try and touch the woman to console her.
Thing was, talking was unlikely to help. The woman was shivering, which was the first thing he needed to address, though he was certain that there was only one thing that was sure to help her. All in good time.
Reaching for the hem of his Ilvermorny robes, Kyle used,
"Diffindo," to sever off a large scrap of cloth. Straightening once again, he held the material in his hand, still trying to stay alert to his surroundings.
"Vestis Vellus," he muttered, flourishing his wand in a 'curly Q' sort of pattern while he focused his mind on the image of a blanket. The spell, he had found in the past, worked better on robes to make a blanket than 'Vestis Cotone'. Kyle suspected the robe material was a blend of the two, but casting the 'wool' version usually provided him with a much more practical, sort-of woollen blanket. He watched as the material in his hand stretched and grew, becoming heavier by the moment, until he stood there clutching a heavy and no doubt warm blanket. Moving carefully, he shook out the transfigured blanket and placed it gently over the shivering woman, being sure to keep it away from the bluebell flames.
But the only thing that would
really work, Kyle knew, was chocolate. He had none on him, because it was not something that he generally carried around with him, which meant that summoning some was in order... he only needed to focus on where exactly there
was some. In the beetle, that was for sure, but would the trunk be open for it to get all the way here? It was also quite a ways away. The Hogwarts castle was even further, and Kyle didn't know where the kitchens were to boot.
Oh! The stands! They would be packed, surely, with multitudes of students from
two schools; one of them would surely have some chocolate, and luckily Kyle had no qualms about taking it from them in order to get through his challenge.
Holding his wand out again, Kyle moved it in an arc, like an upside down half circle, focused on the vieiwing stands and the possibility of chocolate, hoped for the best and cast,
"Accio Chocolate!"