Lovely™ | Captain Hurted | Ariana's Bane | Resident Antagonist | Unparalleled Delight Yesssssssssclosertothefireyespleaseyesplease. As soon as Abey had permission to move, he ABSOLUTELY DID SO, moving closer to the fireplace and immediately feeling the benefit of its warmth. Gooooooood yes.
He was, perhaps, appreciating the fire a little too much, because it took Abey a few moments to realise that Professor Something was already properly delving right into the class topic.
Sooooo... oh. OH! This was a question Abey could answer! He had LOOOOOOADS of things to say about what music meant to him and how it influenced him and stuff BECAUSE he actually sort of played the guitar because of West and, okay, it had been a while since he had done so, but it had been something he could really really do! And as long as he remembered what he was playing, it was a way he could feel actually smart at something. Also, singing. There was a song for every occasion, and singing made Abey's heart happy.
He had JUST opened his mouth to say all of this (and then some, probably actually), when Rooney Bronwyn... um... Rooney-Bronwyn'd.
Abey stared, mouth hanging open, at the Head Boy, a little stunned and also not entirely sure any answer he gave could really live up to that actually.
Sooooo... he wasn't going to try. Instead, with a raised VICTORY FIST, Abey chimed in afterwards with: "HEAR, HEAR!"
That meant he agreed, right?
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Chocolate! |