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Steelsheen Olivia Alice Holden. "Thats a lovely name..." he smiled genuinely. It fits the lovely girl before him. "So Olivia Alice.... is that like named after someone in your family? Or is like.... after a rock band like mine is? Alice in Chains ever heard of them?"he laughed. And yeah that full Astor name was always the tongue twister "Thats not so bad--" he grinned as she attempted to say it, he's heard worse "-- Its Skerm-horn, and yeah you're not too far off about it being Viking related. Its an old old name, older than Astor even." and that name has been around for ages.
Oh, who among his parents won. He wasnt expecting that question, although perhaps he shouldve seen that coming, the joke just opens it up yknow? "Uhm.... my dad. Kinda by default yeah... Mom..... she wasnt around very much. And thats even before she died." he shrugs, trying to keep it light and casual here. It was a very sad, very traumatic part of his life that he couldnt make heads or tails of, mostly because of how young he was, but he's accepted it and moved on with building positivity in his life, in his dad's life, in everyone's lives. This is why he is who he is today.Dont let the darkness snuff out your light. Let it shine!
Ah yes the Northern Lights "Awww man how can I even describe them... they're incredible! Amazing! Otherworldy-- like yeah I know literally they are but... yeah. You just need to be there. Maybe someday you'd be there. You've got that dances with cosmic light kinda vibe." he gestured over her aura grinning.
As they continued into the igloo, the Gryffindor Ace listened to her story. Wow all boys left in the fam ".... and you're the only girl left...." he murmured between her stories. But just a sec "You have a brother who's a Muggle? Or a Squib?" because right now he's under the impression that Marc and Olivia are full blood relations. But this part got him chuckling "So you got someone giving you a hard time that you're in Gryffindor too eh? For me its my dad. He's Slytherin too, Head Boy and all that, so he's super proud of that house and kinda drilled into me that I was gonna be Slytherin as well. So yeah imagine his face when I called him that night and he saw that I wasnt wearing green robes" he laughed.
"Yeah my baby sister. I love her. I go home every spring break to celebrate her birthday." nod nod he adored her. "And my family?... well what else do you wanna know?" he felt like he's told her a lot already, a lot more than what some of his besties even know about.
"Ahaha Hogwarts! Yeah we can pretty much graduate from here with a Masters on Survival. he laughed.
He thought it was a lovely name? Olivia felt her cheeks become warmer and her smile grow a little more. That was sweet of him to say. "
Thanks, that's sweet of you to say," she said with a smile and went back to listening to him asking if she was named after someone or something. Ah, she had heard of Alice in Chains but unfortunately she was not named after them. "
I was named Olivia because Twelfth Night was my parents favourite Shakespeare play. Dad used to bring Mum to the theatre when they started going out and it became a tradition. They loved going to the theatre." They still went to the theatre even after the memory issues and her mother passing away. The whole family found comfort in that activity. It was a way to escape. "
Alice is because my parents liked the name. As a ten year old girl, I was disappointed to learn that I had not been named after Lewis Carrol's Alice nor after Alice Cullen from the Twilight series." Ah yes, she had been interested in Twilight at one stage. All of her friends had raved about it so she had to read it too. She enjoyed it for a while but soon outgrew it and found herself making fun of it. Olivia still really enjoyed Alice as a character though and inspired to be as true to herself as Alice Cullen was. When she messed up his name a little, she chuckled and hid her face behind her hands briefly. "
Oh no! I'm sorry," she cried before removing her hands and then practiced saying his name. "
Skerm-horn. Is that a little closer?" Olivia really wanted to make sure that she got it right because she did care for the curly haired boy standing next to her.
Ooh now that question had hit a nerve... Her smile dropped momentarily. Olivia glanced down at her hands momentarily and then back up to Ace. She watched him speak about his mother's passing and was impressed that he kept it light. It was hard losing a mother. They did have that in common. "
I see." She didn't know if she should ask more questions about that subject. Maybe later she would. She didn't want to upset him. Seeing Ace upset would certainly make her upset. His dad must have been an incredibly strong man. "
Dad won in my case too," she said with a small smile, reaching out to touch his hand gently as a form of comfort. She wanted him to know that she understood.
Olivia raised her left eyebrow and chuckled as Ace proclaimed that she had a dance with the cosmic light kind of vibe. "
How do you know that I have that kind of vibe?" she asked with a curious grin. She didn't like dancing in big, big groups but she did enjoy dancing with good friends. Wait... Had he caught her dancing by herself in the common room? Maybe he had. "
Have you danced under the Northern lights? Do you like dancing?"
It's not so bad being the only girl though. I got my own bed when we went away on holidays." That had always been a bonus. However, being the only girl did have some interesting tales. It had made a few things awkward for her Dad so he had to bring an aunt in for backup. She brought her hands closer to her mouth and blew hot air into them before she rubbed her hands together. It was a little chilly in here. Still it was warmer than what she had expected it would be. To Ace's question about Marc, she wasn't sure whether or not he was a Squib or a Muggle. She was fairly certain he was a muggle as he had no magical abilities but maybe he was actually a Squib. "
I don't know. I think he's a muggle but maybe he could be a squib. I don't really know the difference. I'm muggleborn myself." Olivia grinned at Ace as he mentioned that his Dad also gave him a hard time about being a Gryffindor. Wow. His dad was also a Slytherin? That was funny. They had more in common than she had thought. "
I can imagine that. Ha, his facial expression must have been priceless. Whilst green would bring out the green in your eyes, I think red suits you more though but I'm probably biased," she mentioned with her smile growing again. "
I'm sure he's proud of you. You were a fourth year Prefect. That's crazy."
He went home to visit his baby sister every spring break? That was so sweet and adorable. "
That's amazing. You're an awesome older brother. I'm sure she really appreciates it. If she doesn't now, then she totally will. That's what Simon did with me. He also wrote me letters about everything here. I guess he knew I had magical tendencies too," she said with a smile. His next question stumped her. Woah. He was asking her what else she wanted to know about them and him. Well she didn't know where to start. Umm.. Hmmm... "
Um... I don't know... Oh the pressure," she chuckled as she wondered what she should ask. "
Feel free to ask me any questions about my family. I don't mind sharing with you." She trusted Ace. A lot. Aha! A question for Mr. Tenacius Salander. "
Are you close to your Dad?" she asked curiously. It sounded like it from what she could piece together but she wasn't going to assume one way or another.
Olivia laughed. "
Imagine putting that on a CV! Masters in Survival.. I love it." Grinning more (she didn't think it was possible to be grinning so much- she was just enjoying hanging out with him), she paused. Speaking of CV's and resumes... "
Do you know what you want to do after Hogwarts? I have no clue what I want to do. I love composing music and playing piano and maybe singing when I'm all alone but I don't know if I could do that." It would be a tough career. And besides, was she talented enough?