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Old 05-23-2017, 02:03 PM   #6 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Dora blinked as the fog finally cleared in front of her... but she wasn't all too pleased with the scene that unfolded before her as she moved forward. The feeling of despair definitely began to fill her up as she paused to cast Henshu on her hiking boots. Since the terrain was beginning to freeze over and all.

She had practiced her next spell at great length and even helped her Head Girl with it as well. So yes, she had been unknowingly preparing for this moment for the past two years. Raising her wand and allowing a moment to let her memory fill her up... the memory was a lovely one of her mother and she in Bali before she had passed. One of her favorite price times of her life. And for once the girl didn't close her eyes as she cast it. She didn't need to. She was finally prepared!

"Expecto Patronum! " she called out clearly and forcefully as she stepped around the final tree into the clearing. NOT TODAY, DEMENTOR! NOT TODAY!

The girl could only hope that the man was alright! She wanted to rush forward and help, but first she had to be sure that the marble fox patronus did its job!
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