Thread: Game Room
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Old 05-23-2017, 03:23 AM   #5 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Originally Posted by NifflerFan View Post
Emmeline jumped a little when she heard Dora's voice behind her. Thankfully, the older girl wasn't mad -- so Emmeline wasn't in trouble for putting these up, right? -- and even seemed to like them! YAY! Her main goal had been to make the Gryffindor champions feel better, and it looked like she had maybe succeeded in Dora's case.

She tilted her head to the side a little bit as she took in what Dora had actually said. It didn't seem like a particularly nice thing to do in her opinion; wasn't it their job to support the champions? Of course people should make things for them and help them! "You don't have to say thank you, Miss Dora." She glanced down at the stack she was still holding, "Uh huh, I did them by myself." She knew she wasn't the greatest artist in the world, but she hoped her lion heads weren't too bad. She glanced up anxiously to see if Dora really liked them, or was just pretending because it was good manners.

And then she noticed the sixth year was holding books. "I don't know much magic yet, but can I help? D'you want me to quiz you or something?"
Dora wasn't one to mince words, so if she said she liked something she totally did. Mhm. And as the younger Gryffindor got to know her she would come to realize this. Heh. And it had indeed made her feel better seeing one of the younger kids supporting she and Levi and it really meant a lot to her. Truly it did.

"Please, just call me Dora. No need for the miss," the sixth year said with a soft smile to the girl. "And I do have to say thank you. It really means a lot." Sincerity; Dora had it! "Well I think they are just lovely. Maybe have it fade into gold when it flashes? Make it proper Gryffindor!" She was getting excited just looking at the posters!

"Well you did a lovely job, Emmeline. Really. It's all fabulous, dear." And now her books were getting a bit heavy. As the older girl moved to set them on a nearby table she couldn't help but smile wider still at the girl. "You really exude house pride. It's a rather welcome change." Oh? The books. "I am not sure what to do to prepare for these challenges, really. Also, can I tell you a secret?" The last was said in a low, conspiratorial tone. Secrets were big deals after all.
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