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Sam had tried to be quiet. If she didn't bother that other boy than she could continue to sit here without having to talk. There was nothing wrong with not saying 'hello' or anything. Clearly by how comfortable the boy appeared with his eyes closed over there it would be rude to bug him. And so that was the reasoning she was going with here. Not wanting to be rude. Mhmm.
With her legs still lowered into the warm water, Sam leaned back on her hands lifting her face to the sky. Exhaling softly she closed her eyes allowing herself to relax even further. The suddenness of someone speaking startled her, blue eyes flying open and looking around to see who it had been only to see that it was the boy that she had not wanted to disturb. "Hello... yeah I am. I'm Sam." No one really called her Samara.
Mason was unsure if the comfortably hot water made him relaxed or if it was because he was thinking about being relaxed and his mind automatically gave these signals to his body. Whatever the reason, he made a mental note to come here once in a while after a couple of hours of studying.
The water was so nice, he even wasn't annoyed at the fact that the girl was from Ilvermorny. He had wanted to avoid these people but communication was bound to happen some day.
"I'm Mason" he answered back and he had to refrain from saying 'one of the competitors' cause he wasn't that douchy.
"Do you guys have a hotspring as well at Ilvermorny?" just curious.