05-21-2017, 06:00 PM
Muggle Studies Lesson 1- The Evolution of Popular American Music It was an average day in November, a reminder that the warm weather was slowly being replaced with winter. Nevertheless, the windows of the Muggle Studies classroom were opened (though students had the option to close them); natural light and fresh air streamed in. As you enter the room after Professor Kay greets you that morning, you notice something: the music playing softly from the laptop sitting atop the Professor’s desk. She had compiled a playlist ranging from various artists such as Taylor Swift, Soundgarden, Michael Jackson, Beyonce, the Backstreet Boys, Metallica- just to name a few.
All of these artists and bands have one thing in common. Can you figure it out? Have a seat as you try to do so or simply just enjoy the beats. Feel free to break out in dance or even a head bang. Class will begin shortly as it will be 10 AM soon!
The whiteboard stands before the class which has been set up in the usual setting- two sections of desks and chairs in neat rows and columns with a path in the middle so that Kay can easily access the back of the room if needed. Links to the lesson's progression:
* Question 1: What do the musicians have in common?
* Question 2: What is/are your opinion/s about music?
* Responses, Information and Instructions
* Mel, Skylar and de-cloning Kay OOC: Hihihi! Welcome to the first OOC lesson We’ll get started in 24 hours! Chatting is allowed but please keep it to a minimum. Pssst! Feel free to let your charries react crazily to the music if they wish (singing loudly, dancing, reacting dramatically to the lyrics etc ) Get creative! CLASS HAS BEGUN! |