Thread: Suits of Armour
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Old 05-21-2017, 02:16 AM   #18 (permalink)
House Elf
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Hogwarts
Posts: 223

Originally Posted by EquestrianGal88 View Post
"Yes, first years." Rayna said. Pips' information gave Rayna another idea. "I'll be sure and use extra caution. Thank you. Any place you would recommend we explore, Pips?" A resident of the castle must have some suggestions.

The girl looked to all of the suits of armor in the corridor, there seemed to be an awful lot for just one house elf to clean...all by themselves. "You're sure, Pips?" Rayna asked, eyeing the armor. 'I might be able to use a spell for this!' But she didn't want to be in the way, either. "If we're bothering you, we can leave if you'd like. I don't want to be in the way." Her mother used to shoo her out of whichever room was being cleaned. She was used to it.
"First years are always seem to have the most fun." They were the most excited about being here and exploring from his views and observations. "There are many places of the castle that are fun to explore. Students seem to enjoy the dungeons and the room of requirement the best." That's what he was told many times. "You could come to the kitchen, we would make you treats." He loved cooking for the students.

Cleaning wasn't his favorite though, he would rather be cooking than cleaning and she was asking again to help. "Does misses know the cleaning charm?" Pips had seen it done, but had never done it himself. "If you do you could do that Armor if you want." Pips would clean it, but if she would insist he'd let her have her fun.
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