The 'oh' was what impeded on her peaceful reading. A disgusted sounding 'oh,' too. Melanie looked up from her book to find exactly who she thought had said the 'oh.' Jesús had sought some quiet time as well, then, and Melanie thought it quite foolish of him to think he'd be alone in the only quiet spot for the Americans to relax in.
"Don't sound so disappointed, Jesús, I won't be bothering you. I can assure you of that," she quirked an eyebrow at him before licking her thumb and using it to the turn the page in her fascinating book. He was speaking like such an adult that it made her smirk. "If you keep it, I'll keep it," she replied. "Relax. I'm reading my book. And you'd have to be pretty creative to ruin my mood currently." And no, Jesús, that was not an invitation, though Melanie was almost positive he would take it as such. Probably shouldn't have said that final tidbit aloud.
Also, she added, "Congratulations on being chosen as champion. You will do well, I'm sure." There was no doubt in her mind. "That being said, anything you need in order to better prepare for Challenge One that is legal and allowed, let me know." That went for any of her champions. She should probably relay that to them all. "What are you reading on this dreary English day?"
Another lick of her thumb, another turn of the page. Melanie Williams was brilliant at multitasking.
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