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Join Date: Feb 2016 Location: Hazbin Hotel
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Norman A. Carton Graduated Hogwarts RPG Name: Sydney M. L. Masters Slytherin Third Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Maddox B. Buchanan Gryffindor Fourth Year Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Caledon Roth The Leaky Cauldron | Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll Text Cut: Individual replies Quote:
Originally Posted by Optimist.Prime Melbourne was excited to say the least about Charms class. Really, she had always liked Professor Marchand’s classes…waaaaaaaait what was up with Professor M’s look? His costume was either E-X-T-R-E-M-E-L-Y detailed and over the top…or something was up. Waaaaaaaaaaaaait a second more things were wrong.
The brunette wondered as she walked over to her usual desk. ”Good day Professor Marchand,” Melbourne smiled up at her head of house…really, she didn’t get why so many of her housemates were utterly rude when Professor Newton had left – maybe he wanted a break from well…crazy things always happening? Or…or maybe Madame Curie was sick…that, that was a heart breaking thought. ”are you ready for Halloween Professor?” she asked a giant smile in place. Setting her things at her desk Melbourne made her way back to the snack drink table and got herself a mug of hot cider. ”Would you like one sir? I find it rude not to offer one as you were so kind as to leave us these festive drinks.” Mel asked a GIANT smile on her face. Truth be told, Gaston was not one for loud over-the-top costumes, but he thought it would be something the students would enjoy... well that, and he knew Rose would get a kick out of it. Oh, the pains he went to to impress those he cared about! At least this costume was fairly easy; almost all of it came from his own closet, except the vest and the long coat. Those were borrowed from a friend.
The professor-turned-pirate kept a watchful eye on the door as he awaited his students' arrival, and soon Miss Sorin-Ward became the first to show up. "Hello, Miss Sorin-Ward," he greeted her, returning her smile with a small one of his own. "Yes, I believe I am." He nodded, slightly taken aback by her offer. That was awfully kind of her! "Yes, thank you, Miss Sorin-Ward." Usually he didn't partake in the refreshments he left for his class, but he needed to be eating and drinking more to get his strength back. And besides. River would probably never let him hear the end of it if he didn't! Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Costume? Derf had that completely covered with his go-to costume since he was about three.
Bounding into the classroom, the second year politely ignored refreshments provided - no offense, professor - and quickly found his way over to his usual seat. The professor's appearance was really only fueling to the theory formulating in the Hufflepuff's head as his bright blue eyes focused on the man while reaching into his pocket for the usual offering in form of chocolate frog.
"It helps-s-s," he nodded in lieu of a proper greeting, extending the package towards the man. Just let him keep the card if it was a good one, yeah?
He ACTUALLY did want to speak with the man at some point, charmswork aside, he felt he could provide super good insight into his new title. The Hufflepuff's mum, after all, had been Gryffindor Head of House at one point and he had heard loads of stories from her. But for now...he would settle on the man taking his chocolate frog.
And he had some charts to examine later. Mmmhmmm. It wasn't long before they were joined by Mr. Ashbury-Hawthorne. The professor smiled as he saw the boy's costume. He supposed he should've seen that one coming! "Good morning, Mr. Ashbury-Hawthorne - or should I say Mr. Scamander!" he said with a slight chuckle. Bright blue eyes blinked in surprise as the boy gave him a chocolate frog, and his smile widened a bit. It seemed chocolate frogs were a tradition with this one! "It does," he agreed. "Thank you, Mr. Ashbury-Hawthorne."
He unwrapped the candy somewhat clumsily, as he was doing it one-handed. He should've known that hook would be trouble! When he saw who was on the card inside, he almost laughed. Minerva McGonagall... what were the odds of that? It was like a calling card from one Gryffindor Head of House to another. Quote:
Originally Posted by SilverTiger The little detail on the lesson notice hadn’t been missed by Stasya. Costumes were always fun, even if honestly she usually struggled to come up with something since she had tried to involve her squirrel in them the last couple of years. She’d gone sort of easy this time, although she was disappointed that she couldn’t have Dobby with her. A squirrel could go with a fairy after all, but she’d left him out in the barn after she’d visited him and all the other creatures. If anyone asked, she was a fairy dedicated to creatures.
“Good morning Professor Marchand,” she said brightly, nearly skipping into the classroom practically right behind Derf. Of course, she wasn’t surprised at all by his costume, although the professor’s was making her awfully curious. It was the hook, probably. She knew it wasn’t real, but it looked real.
She had glanced at the table holding the cider, but bypassed it for now as she’d stopped next to Derf. “G’morning Mr. Scamander,” she said, somewhat quieter than her greeting had been to the professor but not quite at a whisper. Plus, she gave Mel a wave too. Fairy!Stasya was excited. And here was a fairy practically skipping into the classroom! Gaston beamed. These kids were just too adorable for words! "Good morning, Miss Dalgaard-Volkova," he said. "I hope you remembered your fairy dust!" He gave her a playful wink, hoping she'd catch on that he was joking. And was it just him or did this girl seem awfully interested in his costume? Quote:
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 Shay arrived for Charms class a little apprehensive. Halloween was almost upon them and that was arguably her favorite holiday ever. The apprehension was due to the fact that she was costumed. Well not that really. She was more concerned about whether her classmates would be so attired as well. Shay's costume was no surprise, well not to anyone who knew her anyway. She was dressed as a ballerina, all pinked out with lots of tulle and her hair beaten into submission and properly bunned.
Walking into the classroom, Shay spotted a few costumes already present. Cool. "Hello Professor Marchand", she said as she made her way to her seat. "Nice costume.". Was it her imagination or was the professor's looking a little........not himself today? Shay sat down and got her supplies out of her bag. Then she sat back to watch the Halloween costume parade. Miss Morrison appeared only moments later - today dressed as a ballerina. "Hello, Miss Morrison," Gaston said, giving the girl a small smile and polite nod in reply to her greeting. "Thank you. Your costume is lovely as well." His eyes followed her as she took a seat, then strayed back to the door. Quote:
Originally Posted by Saz Hale Kimi entered the classroom in his costume and said "Good day Professor Marchard love the costume" Kimi was dressed up as a knight and it was difficult to sit down properly at the desk with his armour on but still he was fine with it Next to arrive was a knight... either that or someone had enchanted one of the suits of armor as a Halloween prank. Gaston surveyed the figure up and down. It took him a moment to realize who was in the costume, but he smiled when he did. "Good day to you too, Sir Kimi!" he greeted the Hufflepuff, bowing slightly. "Thank you." For a moment, he worried that the boy would have trouble sitting down with all that armor on, but he appeared to be managing. Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen Aaaand CHARMS class! Yaaas!
He managed to steal a glance at the Professor in between classes so he figured what the man was coming in as. So he figured, why not follow the nautical theme eh? Tenacius now saunters into the classroom, adjusting the cap above his head. Hmm seems like this thing couldnt accommodate all his glorious curls innit? Oh wells... "Cap'n Marchand, First mate Salander reporting for duty Sir!" the leonine lad salutes comically at the Pirate before him. The man looked a little off, and of course the Gryffindor Ace tries his best to add a bit of levity, whatever it was that was bothering the man, it couldnt hurt to try to make him smile.
And yes some hot cider please. He made his way to the drinks table just as Mel was there "Eya Mel!" he chirped at his bestie as he helped himself to a mug. Mr. Salander's costume got a double take form the professor. He wondered if the prefect had guessed his costume and tried to match it - though he couldn't imagine how. He'd tried to keep his costume under wraps! It was probably just a crazy coincidence! "Ahoy, Mr. Salander!" he greeted, laughing a little. He returned the boy's salute, being especially careful not to accidentally put an eye out with the hook covering his right hand. Quote:
Originally Posted by Symphora Weren't they a little too old to be in...Halloween costumes? He felt like he was. Okay fine, whatever. He decided to join them in case the professors pointed him out again for not being a sport. He put on a cowboy hat and wear boots to match his everyday look. American cowboy.....yeepeh yah yeeepiiee yey. "Howdie do, professor." He tipped his hat in greeting. Ah, here was Mr. Severin dressed as a cowboy. Funny, that costume somewhat reminded Gaston of... He mentally shook himself to stop his thoughts from wandering back to his first term teaching at Hogwarts, to the Tacoween party, to a much happier time in his life. " And a yo ho ho to you, Mr. Severin!" he greeted the boy with a slight incline of his head. He wasn't going to embarass himself by attempting that accent, and besides, pirates didn't say howdy anyway. Quote:
Originally Posted by Ginevra Daisy entered the classroom with a spring in her step. What a fun lesson to be attending. She decided to wear a flapper costume since she liked the period of the jazz age. "Hello, Professor. I think your costume is fantastic," she greeted with a smile on her face. Daisy headed to the drinks table and fetched herself a nice mug of hot apple cider. Judging from the spring in Miss Swann's step, Gaston had to assume she was happy to be here. Good, that was just the kind of attitude he liked to see in his students! "Good morning, Miss Swann," he said, returning her smile with one of his own. "Thank you. I like yours too." Her flapper costume was very pretty. It reminded him a lot of another Daisy, but he didn't bring that up. The girl was probably too young to get the reference. Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow Any excuse to play dress up was one Junia Botros was going to take and she spent the time before the lesson preparing a costume that was her. She was a lady, and she was a Junebug, so naturally she'd be a lady bug for this lesson. A very mature, very stylish, teenage lady bug. "Hello Professor," The fourth year smiled and performed her usual curtsy before moving to take her seat. Once settled, she looked around to appreciate the costumes of those around her. Derf's was adorable, did he know? He received a half wave from the brunette. Hello. Would Rula and Abey dress up, too? With that in mind, she returned her gaze to the doorway and waited and watched. And speaking of pretty costumes, here was Miss Botros as a ladybug! Gaston beamed at the Slytherin girl, returning her curtsy with a deep bow. "Good morning, Miss Botros," he said. She made a lovely ladybug! Quote:
Originally Posted by ChanceCoeur Heading into the Charms classroom, Noelle was a little apprehensive. She was dressed up to the nines in her pirate costume. That included elaborate make-up. She liked it. She felt strong and different, how you usually feel when you dress up as someone different. The only thing was, were other people dressed up??
Noelle peeked into the classroom and took a look around before deciding it was safe to come in seeing as others were dressed up too. She grinned at Shay's ballerina costume before her eyes rested on Professor Marchand and Ace. WHAT??? THEY WERE PIRATES TOO???
This looked totally planned but Noelle had no idea what anyone else was dressing up as. The HoH and both prefects as pirates. Lovely.
She shook her head in amusement. " Ar, Cap'n Marchand, seems we think alike!" And don't worry Professor, that sword she has is plastic.
Noelle took a seat beside Shay and wiggled her fingers at Mel who was sitting beside Ace. She glanced around the costume. " Great costume Daisy!" She said smiling at the clever idea of a flapper girl. Noelle waved over to James who was cowboy James today. Junia was adorable in her ladybug costume, she got a smile as well. Stasya and Derf's costumes were adorable too. Newt and a... fairy? Woodland creatures fairy? Anyways, they were cute.
Costumes were fun. Blink, blink. Miss Summers came dressed as a pirate too?! Now Gaston was sure his prefects had planned this! What were the odds that all three of the Gryffindor leaders just happened to have the same idea? "Hello, Miss Summers!" he greeted the female prefect, laughing slightly. "Aye, love. That we do," he added jokingly. There was no harm in playing the part to go along with the costume, right? Quote:
Originally Posted by Felixir Best part about this lesson? Other than that it was CHARMS CLASS which was one of Abey's best subjects, and the fact it was taught by his Head of House? It was that they could dress up for Hallowe'en even though it wasn't actually TECHNICALLY Hallowe'en yet!
Abey's costume wasn't exactly one that was very easy to guess just by looking at him. It was sort of abstract (his favourite type of painting, by the way) and confusing and probably didn't look much like a costume at all, if it weren't for his hair and his arms. He wore one of his favourite t-shirts which was probably the one most likely to give away what he was, and trousers that were all kinds of different colours, mostly pastels, pinks and purples and blues and yellows and oranges and greens and whites, and on his feet were white sneakers that had little fake wings on them. He had painted his own arms to match the theme, and then had found an older Gryffindor to teach him to charm his hair dark blue, before dumping a ton of glitter on his head. It was, he had decided, his favourite costume he had ever had, mostly because he'd thought it up all on his own and made it happen almost all on his own too actually. "Hi, hello, hey," Abey said to those he knew as he entered the classroom, including the professor. Abey DID notice he looked different, but knew better than to mention it. Instead, he focused on trying to decide who to sit with; Derf or Junia? Both, actually, he wanted both, but today he was drawn to Junia, though Derf got a big two-handed wave, and also Abey blew a kiss at him too, because villain.
Looking to Junia, Abey gave her a big grin. "Junebug!" Literally. "Guess what I am." Gaston wasn't exactly sure what to make of Mr. Botros's costume, but whatever it was, it was certainly cheery and colorful. Maybe the brightness of the costume would rub off on his mood. "Hello, Mr. Botros," he said. "Nice costume!" The thought crossed his mind to ask who - or what - the boy was supposed to be, but he decided against it. He didn't want to offend him! Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising Skylar spent WAY too long getting ready for Charms class that morning. It was of course, Professor Marchand's fault, because he said costumes were optional. Which naturally, to Skylar, meant mandatory. That and her dormmates were getting dressed up, so how could she NOT dress up? It was just only that she wanted to wear something practical, yet fun, which made things challenging. Finally settling on a pretty blue dress, some flats and a sparkly mask, Skylar made her way up from the dungeons. Nothing like a classic Cinderella costume, spruced up.
Entering the classroom, she found Professor Marchand there, along with many of her peers, and blinked at him. Yes, she knew when she saw him at the pathways that he wasn't feeling too shabby, but now he just looked even worse. The fourth year knew better than to address that in front of others, figuring it would probably make him way self-conscious, but she did tuck that away in the back of her mind to either stay late, or visit with him later. "Hello, Professor Marchand," she greeted, as she took a seat near the front. Because she actually liked Charms class. Miss Diggory arrived next dressed as what the professor assumed was an updated version of Cinderella. There was something about the way she blinked at him that had him a little unsettled, though. He wondered if she sensed his sadness, but if she had, she didn't draw attention to it... which he was very grateful for. " Hello, Miss Diggory," he returned the girl's greeting, bowing to the "princess". "My, don't you look regal?" Quote:
Originally Posted by littledhampir Halloween was Olly's favorite day of the year. He liked dressing up. He especially liked helping other people dress up. On Halloween, people liked face paint, and Olly loved painting faces. He had painted his own for this occasion. It looked like a red octopus arm with the little suction cup things was moving over his face. He had dressed in all red and attached six face arms to his body. Overall he was pretty satisfied with the outcome.
Snacks! Olly made a beeline right for that table, taking care not to knock anything over with his extra arms. Except then he saw it was only apple cider and there wasn't anything to snack on. He was a bit disappointed but apple cider was better than nothing. He poured himself some of that and sipped it as he went to find a seat. Olly of course chose on next to Noelle, nudging her with one of his fake octopus arms as he did so. Two pirates, a sailor, and now an octopus. Gaston was starting to see a pattern here! So what was next, someone dressed a a crocodile? Still, the professor couldn't help but admire Mr. Borzekowski-Thomas's costume. That face painting must've taken forever! "Good morning, Mr. Borzekowski-Thomas," he greeted the Slytherin prefect. "Impressive costume!" Quote:
Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu Costume? This was her OWL year. Thinking up and putting together a Halloween costume was so at the bottom of Lucy's list. Let alone, having the time to do all that. She barely had time to sleep.
So, the fifth year arrived in her regular uniform, and took a seat in her regular seat. She took out her parchment and quill for note-taking. In the meantime, she massaged at her note-taking hand, which was working way overtime lately. In came Miss Potts wearing her regular uniform instead of a costume. That was fine. The costumes weren't mandatory; they were just for fun. Gaston could certainly understand not wanting to dress up, but the thing that caught him off guard was the lack of a greeting received. For a moment, he wondered if he'd done something to make the girl angry, but he couldn't think of anything. She was probably just distracted or having an off day. "Hello, Miss Potts," he said politely. Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo "Derf! Derf! Derf!" Jessa had spotted her bestfriend heading into the Charms classroom as she'd turned onto the corridor and wasted no time bursting into a run. It was a little difficult to do with her lab coat flapping behind her causing some amount of drag but in short order the Ravenclaw had skidded to a stop inside the Charms classroom. "Derf! I've gotten you a brilliant present!"
She took a moment to readjust her goggles and readjust her gloves (could you tell she was a SCIENTIST today???) before hurrying right by everyone and over to her seat by Derfael Mitchell Ashburry-Hawthorne.
It wasn't to say that she was ignoring everyone else in the room, hardly, but rather that she was very pleased with herself in the moment and knew her friend would be very pleased with what she had to offer as well, leaving her oblivious to everything else. Jessa threw herself into her seat, briefly waving at Stasya who was stood by the boy before digging deep into her pocket and bringing out a certain picture of a certain Ilvermorny Champion.
Oh! "Nice costume Professor!" She said by way of greeting for the man before her full attention turned to him again. "Eno took this, said I could have it and now I'm giving it to you. You're absolutely welcome and I look forward to whatever results this may bring about." Yes, best bestfriend sitting right here. He was soooo lucky she remembered.
And what was that in the back? A treat for them? She'd get that in a minute. Right now she was focused on whatever reaction her friend would offer. WELL? Miss Cambridge's costume earned a smile from the professor. The scientist costume was a perfect complement to the girl's personality! "Good morning, Miss Cambridge," he said, inclining his head toward her. " Thank you. You costume is nice too." Quote:
Originally Posted by RachieRu Ooh. Charms! yay! And they got to dress up! That was great! Harriet loved to dress up. She'd kind of had a little talk to Sky, to see what she was dressing up. She didn't want to dress up as the same thing as her. So she was ready to go now, because she was really excited for the lesson. She couldn't wait to see if all of the costumes that her fellow class mates were going to dress up as.
Hattie had dressed up as belle, or a version of Belle anyway, and she was super excited. She beamed as she stepped into the classroom. "Hi Professor" She beamed, before she took a seat next to her bestie. "hi Sky!" She beamed at her. "We're both disney princesses" and they looked totally cool. Another theme seemed to be emerging in the costumes. First Cinderella, now Belle. The class was turning into a who's who of Disney princesses! Gaston smiled as Miss Paton appeared, bowing to her just as he'd done for Miss Diggory. "Good morning, Miss Paton," he greeted her, "or should I say Princess Belle?" Quote:
Originally Posted by RandomRaven So they're allowed to wear Halloween costume for this lesson. Well, interesting.
Honestly Ava didn't really have an idea for costume this year. But one thing that she knew, she wanted to do some couple-matching costume with Phillip. The Gryffindor then tried to make something up with the outfit that she owned. Striped tops, boots, black skinny jeans, leather jacket... Aha! She decided to be a burglar then.
"Helloooo professor!" She greeted the man as she entered the classroom. Hold on, did Professor Marchand and Noelle coincidentally dress up as pirates? Sitting at the middle row, Ava took a look at the others' costumes. Perhaps their lesson today was related with Halloween or costumes in general? Gaston chuckled a little at the sight of Miss Burton's burglar costume. Now here was one of the most original costume ideas he'd seen yet! "Hello, Miss Burton," he returned the girl's greeting, smiling slightly. "Interesting costume!" Quote:
Originally Posted by thekraken The whole costume thing was absurd and if she had the energy she would remind Marchand just how ridiculous he was being. Althea opted to keep her uniform - because who had time to get a costume??? during fifth year?? - but spruced it up by donning a cat ears styled headband. Festive! To make it even more cute, she'd added some fake flowers and called it a day.
Helga, give her strength!
The fifth year made her way into the classroom and blinked at the array of costumes before her. Wow. Amazing. She was truly shocked. Glancing at the apple cider - no snacks?? this was already going to be so enjoyable - she made her way past the table, looked Professor Marchand square in his eyes, took note of his appearance, wanted to ask him why he didn't just cancel class if he was only half-alive (but thought better of it,) and greeted him as politely as she could. With a small smile, she said, " Hello Professor, you look...well." She had cat ears, therefore she was catty. And with that, she swiveled on her heels and chose a seat far off to the side and sat down. She wondered briefly if she would make it through the class or not. If Gaston could read Miss Kenning's mind, he would've agreed with her that it was ridiculous. He was only dressed up for the students' enjoyment. The way the girl was looking at him made him a bit uneasy. He half-expected her to say something snide, but to his surprise - and great relief - she didn't. "Good morning, Miss Kenning," he greeted, giving her a slight smile, but he was a little caught off guard when she said he looked well. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he couldn't help but wonder if that was meant as a backhanded insult, but he was going to give her the benefit of the doubt and take it as a compliment. "Thank you. I like your cat ears by the way." Quote:
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi At first, Mason had not wanted to change his school uniform but in the end he had no choice as his mother had send his hanbok just for halloween. Of course she did not KNOW what the definition of Halloween was....
Grumbling under his breath,knowing that news traveled and that his mother would find out somehow he had been wearing the costume or not, because mothers had a kind of sixth sense about that. He entered the classroom feeling rather ridiculous. Out of all the colors she could have send him it didn't even match the halloween vibe. It was embarrassing really. "Hello Professor" he greeted, his dark expression not matching the brightful colors he was wearing 'Seriously mom , why couldn't you send something dark and epic?' "Nice costume, sir" he said after a quick look and then turned to find a seat. Gaston couldn't help but get the idea that Mr. Winslow was not happy about something as he arrived to class today. The darkened expression did not go unnoticed, and he was almost positive he heard faint grumbling. What was that about? Had he done something to set the boy off? He wracked his brains but couldn't think of anything. "Hello, Mr. Winslow," he said, dropping his gaze to hide the sadness in his eyes as he gave the boy what he hoped was an encouraging smile. "Thank you." Quote:
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom Charms class really WAS one of Kane's favorites - and when he heard they got the pass to wear Halloween costumes today he was TOTALLY done. Halloween was fun no matter what age you were! He knew some of his fellow classmates didn't feel that way but whatever. Kane wasn't going to let that bring him down! Roman Soldier Kane was in the houseeee! Before grabbing a seat, he got himself a cup of cider and then plopped down next to Derf, grinning at him. "Hey Newt," he chuckled. He wasn't surprised in the least that his fellow Puff had that as his costume.
Hmm. He wondered if this lesson would be Halloween themed as well. For a second he wondered if maybe they'd learn how to make their faces in to scary masks, but that would be more transfiguration, wouldn't it? And here was another student walking into the room without so much as a hello. Gaston was beginning to wonder if he'd unwittingly done something to make his students angry. He sighed quietly, trying to push his feelings of self-doubt out of his mind. "Good morning, Mr. Westwood," he greeted politely. Quote:
Originally Posted by Watson Olivia walked through the door and noticed everyone dressed up in costumes. There was pirates, romans, sailors, a burglar, and Newt Scamander. It had taken her nearly half an hour to come up with a costume before resorting to being Selina Kyle, Catwoman, from the Batman series. Instead of going in the traditional get up which was not her style and also not appropriate, she resorted for a more subtle look. She wore a simple black dress with a mask. She walked into the room and approached their Professor. " Captain Marchand, echanté." With a courtesy, she headed towards a familiar faces. Her eyes landed upon first mate Salander and Noelle also in nautical theme. " I love the costumes, pirates!" she said with a grin. Everyone looked so awesome! And then there was Derf! She approached him. " Mr Scammander, it's an honour. I'm a huge fan." It took Gaston a moment to figure out Miss Holden's costume. At first he thought she was just dressed as a smile black cat, but then he realized it was more likely a modified version of Catwoman. The curtsy got a little chuckle from him, and he bowed to her in return. "The pleasure's all mine, love," he joked, once again playing the part of the pirate captain. Quote:
Originally Posted by Govoni Oh, a Charms lesson were Halloween costumes were allowed? Well, it was clearly time to go full GREEN FACE. Wickedly green face...and hands...
Sashaying into the classroom atop a pair O-Star Oxford booties, Elphaba Thropp greeted her public with a red-lipped smile. Yes, yes... the Wicked Witch of the West was here, alive and well for all the world to see. Also, apologies for the clicking! of her heels, Professor, but they were crucial to this costume. See, Olivia was bringing a sense of fashion to the Elphaba character. Further demonstrated with the couturesque hat, frock, and artfully styled ebony wig. Her theatre spirit was strong for this lesson.
Also, Olphaba was properly excited about performing magic whilst in full costume. WOULD SOMEONE BE HER FIYERO? .....HER GLINDA?! Imagine the epic showdown duel they could enact! Perhaps she'd save that for another time, however...when Hogwarts' student life wasn't trying to end her life. Considering that OWL prep was eating her every available nerve...
Sigh, no stressing about the inevitable OWL examinations for now, though... For the time of the Wicked Witch had arrived! Hopefully Professor Marchand would appreciate her effort (ahem, not like she didn't always make an effort when costuming was involved, but some recognition would be wonderful under the circumstances). AHEM.... Bless, her classmates had went all out, as well. Was that a smaller version of Newt Scamander (Derf), Olphaba spied? Oh, and little Stasya was in full fairy!mode! Adorable. Also, Skylar and Hattie had taken up the Disney mantle for her this year with their own versions of Belle and Cinderella (because Olivia would've recognized those characters anywhere, let's be honest)... Aww, and Junia in her lady bug outfit. Junebug, indeed!....
OH, there were snacks! And she was a Gryffindor...and Gryffindors really loved snacks... HOWEVER, it took A LOT of effort and time to get into full green face, and Olphaba found her desire to smudge her lipstick VERY LOW... "Everyone, good morning." The Wicked Witch probably wouldn't wish anyone a good morning, but Olphaba would, so. Here's to carving out one's own niche! "You all look so cute!" All of them. Halloween was the best time of the year. BETTER than Christmas, hands down. Blink, blink. Who was this? The professor immediately recognized the character as the Wicked Witch of the West, but it took him longer to place the student behind the green paint. "Wicked costume, Miss Phillips!" he exclaimed once he knew who it was. "I'm impressed." Okay, so maybe impressed was a bit of an understatement! Quote:
Originally Posted by Shanners As Roopunzel walked into the charms classroom, the only thing that gave his true identity away was the Head Boy badge pinned to the neckline of the dress he was wearing. Never one to shy away from a costume, Rooney had gone all out with this year (as always, but just a bit more than normal) - in the run up to Halloween, he was going to be a different character each day. Yesterday had been Jane from Tarzan, tomorrow would be Meg from Hercules and the day after would be a repeat of his first ever Hogwarts costume... Elphaba Bronwyn. For now, and today, he was Roopunzel. And honestly, he thought he had done a magnificent job. The intricate details on the costume were as accurate as he could get them and he knew that he had done a fabulous job.
The only thing missing was the flowers in the hair, but honestly he preferred the wig with flowing blonde hair instead of the bulky braid with flowers. So that was what he had gone for. And it was almost true to length, draped over his shoulder and charmed to sashay behind him as he walked without causing problems or tripping anyone up. Always thinking of others, was this one. "Sir," he spoke gently, not willing to give up who he was with his voice and then he looked around properly to see the costumes of the other students. Some Disney, which he expected...and a pretty green witch over there. As soon as he saw the green, he knew who it would be. He expected Olivia to go as far into her costume as he did with his and she was true to his thoughts. As he moved to sit close by, careful not to trip in his heels over the hair following him, Roopunzel smiled a darling smile and waggled his fingers at her. "Oh, Miss Olphaba.. many years I have waited, for a gift like yours to appear.." Now who was this? Gaston's blue eyes surveyed the latest arrival up and down. He knew the character, but he was yet to recognize the student. Well, maybe if he got a closer look... "Princess Rapunzel, what an honor!" he said, bowing just as he had for the other princesses. It was only then that he caught sight of the badge, and his eyes widened in disbelief. "M-Mr. Bronwyn?!" he stammered, barely managing to keep his voice down. "Is that you?" Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga Yeah, Eddie didn't dress up and he wasn't going to for a class either. He'd be himself and that was the best costume anyone could be. As he entered he looked around and was sort of impressed by the decoration, but he'd never admit it to anyone. Charms was a useful class and he wanted to stay in good with the professor. "Hi Professor, cool look you got here."
Turning on his heel he made his way towards an empty seat in the back. He didn't bother to try to find anyone to sit with, it didn't matter anyway. He just was going to sit quietly and work on his own stuff while the lesson was going on. Here was another student who'd opted not to wear a costume. Oh well, no matter. Gaston wasn't judging. He nodded in reply to the Slytherin boy's greeting. "Good morning, Mr. Blaze," he said, smiling a little at the compliment. " Thank you." Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin Katy never dressed up for Halloween at Hogwarts, at least not for classes, although she happily wore her cat ears and whiskers and explained that she was Kat-y to anyone who asked. Most years. This year, though, her new friend Althea had stolen the cat look, and so Katy had stolen hers. Her look, that was.
Katy was Althea Kenning for Halloween. Fabulous and very tall shoes and a skirt that didn't look as good on Katy's small frame as it did on the long-legged Kenning. More leg than her mum would approve of, though. She wore a name tag ("Fabulous Kenning, go away") and a smirk and waited for the real Althea to either crack up or smack her.
"Good day, Professor. You look ready for the high seas." Katy waved at the professor before taking her seat. How did anyone expect to learn anything in some of the poofball outfits they'd chosen? Gaston had to pretend to cough to stop himself from laughing out loud at the sight of Miss Toussaint's costume, lest he incur the wrath of the student who inspired that costume. "Good day, Miss Toussaint," he replied, waving back at the girl. He didn't even want to know what would happen if he dared to call her Miss Kenning! The compliment earned the girl a small and a bow from the professor-turned-pirate. "Aye. Thank you, love," he said jokingly. Quote:
Originally Posted by NifflerFan Time for Charms! Mum and Dad were always going on about how Emmeline needed to learn "proper witch feeling" at Hogwarts; she wasn't sure what that meant, but she never felt like a witch more than she did in classes that were all about wands. She had quickly discovered upon her arrival that she loved learning new spells, even if she wasn't always good at it, so naturally Charms was high up on her list of "lessons I actually like." Plus, it was almost her very favorite holiday ever, Halloween! And this would be an extra special Halloween for Emmeline, Nanny had seen to that. She'd never been allowed to dress up for Halloween before because Mum said she was a witch already and Halloween was a time to make sure to wear pointed hats and look every inch the proper witch. This year, Nanny had, probably in secret, sent her a pink princess costume by owl post. This made the news that they could wear costumes to Charms class even more welcome for the 11-year-old than it would be normally. It was kind of hard to skip properly in such a long dress but she managed it!
The sight of Professor Marchand briefly stayed the first year's excitement, because he looked tired and sad. She knew that look on grown ups very well, because Nanny often wore it whenever Mum and Dad did something that Nanny didn't agree with. No one should be sad so close to Halloween! Looking around the room, Emmeline found the perfect solution. She made a beeline for the drinks table at the back and poured a BIIIG cup for her Head of House. Walking carefully back to his desk, she set it with even more care on the desk in front of him 'cause he was hiding something behind his back. "Hi, Professor Marchand! This is for you. D'you need anything else? Tea? Your pet? A hug?" She could fetch the first two if he wanted, and she was always willing to hug people unless they didn't like hugs. Emmeline smiled shyly at the Charms professor; she supposed it was weird to talk like this to a somewhat-strange grown up but he reminded her so much of Nanny's bad moods that she really wanted to help. And here was yet another princess! Gaston couldn't help but beam as he saw Miss Sparkes... and was she skipping? "Hello, Miss Sparkes," he greeted. He noticed how quickly the girl's excitement seemed to ebb at the sight of him, and it made him feel worse than ever! He was inwardly berating himself for letting her see his sadness when her voice jerked him out of his thoughts. Something for him? What was it? He glanced down just in time to see her set a cup of cider on the desk in front of him and managed a small smile for her. These kids and their acts of kindness never failed to touch his heart! Her next words threatened the tenuous hold he had on his emotions, and he had to bite his lip and blink several times before he could speak. "Thank you, Miss Sparkes," he said quietly. "A hug would be nice." Quote:
Originally Posted by Awarlesta Black They celebrated Halloween every so often back home and Teddy wasn't usually the one to dress up, however she decided to join her classmates in dressing up this year. Mostly because now that she was a champion, she should probably represent Hogwarts and their customs. Still she felt like people resented her.
Teddy's last minute decision to dress up ended with a silvery, metallic dress she made herself to top off her Ancient Goddess look. She was having seconds thoughts that maybe she overdressed a little too much.
She quickly walked up to a desk, passing the professor. She gave a slight bow with her palms pressed together, "Namaste, professor. I hope all is well?" He seemed a little...under the weather. Gaston had barely enough time to recover from the sudden rush of emotion when Miss Peale greeted him. "Namaste, Miss Peale," he replied, carefully imitating the girl's gesture of the slight bow and pressed palms. " Yes, thank you for asking." He gave her a small smile, though it didn't quite extend to his eyes. "Well" wasn't exactly the word hed use to describe his life right now, but it seemed inappropriate to burden her with his troubles. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lady of Light Etta entered the classroom, deciding not to costume-up for class. For one, she couldn't come up with an interesting enough idea for an outfit... but her eyes widened at the variety of outfits in the classroom. Wow, she really did stand out wearing her casual clothes. Everyone looked so good and here she was.. she should have made more of an effort.. oh, goodness. She needed to be less lazy, at times.
Her face burning, she quickly plopped down somewhere close to the front of the classroom, wishing she'd decided to skip this class after all. Ugh, ugh. "Professor." Etta greeted with a polite smile.. a smile that looked more like a grimace probably. She quickly looked down at her desk, the embarrassment clearly visible on her face. The professor was about to start the class when Miss Kramer arrived. Was it just him or did something seem off about her today? And he wasn't thinking of her costume - or, more to the point, her lack of one. That smile she gave him looked awfully forced. Had he done something wrong? "Good morning, Miss Kramer," he said politely, returning her smile with one of his own. Maybe she'd feel better as the class went on? Or so he hoped...
Gaston's eyes darted toward the door, just in case there were any other students following Miss Kramer, but he saw none. He drew his wand from the pocket of his long coat and with a quick swish closed the door. "Good morning, class!" he addressed the group. He waited a moment or two for quiet before he went on, "First, I must apologize for the lack of snacks today, but there's a reason behind it. As it turns out, the snacks are a part of today's lesson..."
He waved his wand again, and two candy apples that had been previously placed under a disillusionment charm appeared on each desk. "Today we're going to mix things up a bit and start off with a mini-activity," the professor explained. "One of the apples on your desk was made by hand, the other was made with magic. Your job is to determine which is which...." He waited a bit for the information to sink in. "At first glances, the two seem exactly the same, but upon closer examination, you'll find some subtle differences... things like size, shape, and texture are good places to start. Maybe one has a more even candy coating than the other? Maybe one has a sweeter taste? Or maybe they even smell different?" "So I'm going to give you a few minutes to examine the apples; use your sense to find as many differences as you can," he continued. "Write down your findings and use them to guess which was made by hand and which was made by magic." Oh and one more thing! " You're welcome to eat both apples, but you can still complete the activity by using your other senses if you prefer." He knew some people didn't like taking food from professors. "You may start... now!" OOC: Sooo sorry for the delay; this post took me longer than expected! Anyway, as Gaston said, examine the apples and find the differences in appearance/texture/smell/taste/etc., take notes on what you find, and try to guess which apple is which. Feel free to make up differences and get as creative with it as you like. There is no post count for this activity. Grade is not based on guessing correctly but on finding differences and using them to make an educated guess. You have ABOUT 36 HOURS (7:00 PM EDT May 21) to complete the activity. 
Also, just to reiterate, if Gaston calls your charrie 'love/talks like a pirate/etc., he is acting the part of his costume counterpart. It is meant as a joke, so please don't be offended by it!
__________________ Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led  If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true... |