for Dani Little Fox | ½ of Lauralie | Ravenclaw with a Hufflepuff heart and a Gryffindor soul | #HouseNATARIANA One of the only things Rhea had been told about Hogwarts by her parents was that there was a huge, man-killing tree and that she should definitely take a look at it. Ha. For starters, she highly doubted that it was 'man-killing' because this was a school. Secondly, she didn't really care about seeing it, but at that point she had nothing better to do. It had taken her until October to get around to it, proving that it wasn't like she desperate to see something that her father recommended to her. After all, he wasn't really reliable in any way, shape, or form.
After walking for a short while, she reached what she assumed was the Whomping Willow and looked at it. Huh. She had expected something at least a little bit ... more, but was she surprised that her father's suggestion turned out in a disappointing way? Not really. She wasn't really disappointed, though, because that would require her to care about it. Which she didn't. At all.
With a sigh, Rhea began to turn back towards the castle. |