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Old 05-19-2017, 03:46 PM   #46 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Location: lost in the mountain
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Periwinkle Evie Paeng
Fifth Year
Default I think I got everyone!
Bre Bear | Asherine | Whisper | Kemmy | Raeney | Madyra | Bumble Bee

SPOILER!!: The Silents Ones
Originally Posted by Sneakeh Cat View Post
Liesl was half listening to her peers' answers as she doodled around the edges of her parchment. Her mind was far away right now, and she had been easily zoning out ever since the beginning of the term. So much had happened this summer, and right before she left to go to school, she was bombarded with the biggest news ever. She was still trying to process everything that had happened, and her grades were probably reflecting that.

When she zoned back into reality, she looked around, not even exactly sure what the question had been.


She jotted down some of the things her peers were saying, making it look like she was working, as she hoped to catch back up soon.

Next time she'd have an answer to a question, yep.
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog View Post
The answer she was about to say had already been said by several other students, so she'd stay silent. She felt proud of her classmates, seeing how knowledgeable they were, in many cases much more than she was.
Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Based on the responses from her classmates, it sounded to Katy like there were way more than three constellations visible in October. She'd scribbled responses on her parchment for several minutes before giving up and flinging her quill across the page. Forget it. The professor would clarify, and her classmates were just confusing the issue.

The sky was full of stars. What did it matter if humans grouped them into fictional shapes thousands of years ago? She picked up her quill and wrote THAT across her parchment? What did it matter?
Originally Posted by oh its Erik ok View Post
Constellations well Théo knew some constellations from home. But not enough of them to recite in class and then throw in that they had to be visible in October well he did not know. Like it the question was did he know a constellation than yeah he could answer it.

But this nah

He just listened and would try to remember at least one of them.
Originally Posted by Buggy-Boo View Post
Sully folded her paper up and placed in in the basket as asked. Now she was ready for yet another lessons. Sometimes she wished she had more time for fun!

As Keiyona was listening to all the other student answering she looked around at the silent students and gave them a warm smile. She wanted everyone to participate but she knew that it was hard to do when there were answers being thrown everywhere.

SPOILER!!: Answers
Originally Posted by Govoni View Post
Her own stuDying habits weren't that great lately, but they could talk about all that after class, cause... the blonde had found herself in another pickle. Like always. It was getting redundant at this point. Ever been sick to death of yourself? Cause she sure as heck was, lately. "I do want updates." It was mumbled as Liv went about sorting her notebook, ink, and quill. They were starting soon, right? According to her timetable...

Oh, yeah...

...... Well, if there was anything Olivia did know about was in relation to the zodiac? Was that too typical teenage girl of her? "Could we count October zodiac constellations? For example, Libra and Scorpio rule during this month." The Professor had just asked about October... Would they be visible someplace in the world, since this is their month? Zodiac constellations always confused her in that way. Some weren't visible during the months they ruled... Wasn't Pisces visible in October? But it's Zodiac month was between February and March... Heh, she'd gotten off track here. "Aren't several constellations visible during October? I mean, it's a HUGE sky up there. I suppose it just depends on where you're located in the world."
Keiyona nodded. "It's very dependant on where you're located in the world but you can include the zodiacs as well." she smiled.

Originally Posted by RachieRu View Post
The lesson was beginning. Yay! She was super excited to learn lots of new things. Whilst Astronomy wasn't her best subject, she really did enjoy it, and so she wanted to learn lots. She had to concentrate though, because she really did not want to say any silly answers. She was a fourth year now, and so really did not be needing to say any silly answers. She didn't want to look silly in front of her class mates. That would not be fun any more.

She bit her lip as she thought about her answer. She wanted to make sure that it was right, because that was important. Again, she didn't want to look silly. Eventually the fourth year raised her hand into the air. "I believe Aquarius, Grus, and Pegasus are among the constellations that appear during October"
Keiyonna beamed at the girl. "Correct!"

Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 View Post
Shay had her quill in her hand when class was called to order. The professor didn't waste any time and jumped straight to the first question of the day. After it was presented, Shay granted inwardly. This was not starting off well. She wracked her brain trying to remember some October constellations. Just as the answers were trying to come to her, another student gave their answer. Of course she gave one of the two answers Shay could remember.

Determined to give her other answer before anyone else could, Shay raised her hand. "I don't know three constellations, but I do know that Cepheus is one of the answers." That was just a case of connecting an answer with something familiar. Shay knew someone with a name similar to Cepheus. She just connected that person with the constellation and that helped her to remember it........albeit slowly.
"You know one and that's perfectly fine!"

Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post

Jessa blinked, glanced down at her name plate then blinked again. "My name's not Olivia, Professor." For the briefest moment, the young girl wondered if the charm on her name plate had gone wonky and changed to "Olivia" when she sat but the glance down just now had shown a fully in tact charm and the name "Jessa Cambridge".


It was fine she supposed. The hour was late, making it likely the Professor was just a little confused. Little reminders never hurt especially when the young girl didn't fancy being called by another name for the remainder of the lesson. It was a lovely name but she was actually quite fond of her own.

Not wanting it to seem as if her only contribution was the correction of her name, the Ravenclaw went right into answer the Professor's question. "Like Hattie said, there's Pegasus, ut there's also Lacerta the lizard and Piscis Austrinus." Which was one of her favourites. There were plenty of visible constellations in October really.
This late night was finally getting to her she was confusing students names already. "I'm very sorry, Jessa!." She was really sorry, she couldn't even begin to express how sorry she was.


Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi View Post
When he was done placing his supplies for this class on his desk, Mason pinned the name tag on his uniform below the Ravenclaw logo and leaned back in his chair. When the classroom door suddenly closed and the Professor cheerfully started the lesson, Mason sat upright, placed his arms on his table and listened.

Three constellations in october? Mason thought, he had definitely learned this during his NEWT studies which he had already started. He rubbed his eyes, feeling a bit tired as it was late night. "Well, there is Pegasus" he said after raising his hand in the air. "And Grus and...Laser something" he scratched his head as he thought when the name of the constellation suddenly swam in his vision like he was reading it from a book. "Ah! Lacerta right?"
"Very good, Mason!"

Originally Posted by thekraken View Post
Althea had been determined and gave herself a silent pep talk to keep it together. She'd was so out of it she didn't notice someone had sat next to her until she heard a very familiar, friendly voice. Olivia! Somehow the sight of her friend made all her nervousness disappear. "Hello to you too, Miss Olivia," she said in a similar sort of airy voice. It had been a while since she'd hung out with her, but she was glad to see her chipper and seemingly her normal self. She'd have to ask her about her stuDying habits, so that she, too, could look as put together. "I've been meaning to come look for you," she whispered, before turning her attention to the professor.

The question had been a relatively easy one, but Althea waited a bit before raising her hand and responding. "Octans is also another constellation usually seen in October," she said with a smile, and then realized she was smiling and then took to looking elsewhere so she wouldn't be so aware of just...everything.
The brunette smiled brightly at the Hufflepuff student! "Very good, Althea!" One constellation was better than not naming off anything.

Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu View Post
Text Cut: that paper idk
Name: Lucy Potts
Year: Fifth
House: Hufflepuff
What is your favorite thing about the subject of Astronomy? Learning about things that are so far away, things that you don't necessarily notice are happening, seeing the bigger picture.

October constellations? "Pegasus..." as other students seem to have said, "Aquarius, and Cepheus.." Lucy answered.
"Excellent job, Lucy!"

Originally Posted by natekka View Post

Rhea was not overwhelmed by the prospect of Astronomy. Sure, stars and things were nice to look at, but were they useful? And surprise, surprise, there were going to be talking about stars in Astronomy. Now, Rhea did know a thing or two about stars. After all, one of her favourite pastimes was sitting outside, avoiding people, which meant she often saw the night sky. But although she was familiar with what she saw, she didn't know the names of them.

She could guess, though.

Being singled out as someone who never spoke or was unwilling to participate or learn was not what she wanted. If people thought that then they would be absolutely right. Ha. But she didn't want that sort of attention. Or any attention, actually. So she stuck up her hand and answered with the first plausible answer that came to mind. "I'm pretty sure Pegasus is one of them, Professor." She couldn't name three, though.
"Very correct, Rhea. Great job!"

Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
Her attention returned to Professor Berkovich once more as the woman closed the classroom door and started the lesson. Good evening…Yeah. It was a good evening so far. A pretty fall evening and not too chilly up there in the astronomy tower. But now Cass had to think to give answer to the posed question. Constellations visible in October. She leaned her head lightly on her upturned hand as she tried to remember, finally raising her opposite hand to contribute.

“There’s Pegasus…” she answered first, the image reminding her of the winged horses down on the castle grounds. “And the Lizard…and the Crane.” Okay so she was remembering them by animal given her train of thought. But she believed them to be right.
Keiyona let out a small giggle. "Perfect!" She loved the explanations like that.

Originally Posted by Lady of Light View Post
Etta had her parchment and quill ready to take notes just as class began. Ooooh, constellations. Interesting. She paused for a moment or two, thinking about what she'd read earlier as she listened to her fellow classmates answer. Finally, she did raise her hand.

"Piscis Austrinus, the southern fish... Grus, the crane and Pegasus, the winged horse." She finished answering with a smile. Tapping her quill against the parchment, she watched other people give answers before class continued. Maybe she should draw something.. hmm.
"Very good!"

SPOILER!!: Questions
Originally Posted by Charely Potter View Post

"Hey Sorin-Ward." Kirk grinned back at his fellow mate. Was it just him or was Mel trying to take a peek at what he wrote? If he had glanced over before folding the parchment he would've noticed. But alas, by the time he turned his head she was already writing on her own parchment.. were those pens? Hm. Must've been his imagination.. though now that got him curious on her interest in this subject. "So you wanna share your favorite or me first?" Maybe after the Professor spoke he'd find out.

Aw, all the good ones were already mentioned. Pegasus was his favorite to spot. He rose his hand though, after hearing a younger Gryffindor ask about constellations only being seen in some parts of the world. "Professor, I think you can also see the constellations Lyra, Andromeda and Orion here in Scotland." That had to be right, right?
"Lyra can be seen the the Northern Hemisphere during the summer. Andromeda is able to be seen in the autumn and Orion can be seen here in the winter."

Originally Posted by Optimist.Prime View Post
Mel glanced over to Kirk when he greeted her…it wasn’t just him, the pesky Gryffindor had been attempting to sneak a peak at what interested Kirk about the subject and so when he asked which of them should share their favorites she just grinned…”Oh…um…I can go? Quickly.” she whispered back over to him her grin still in place. ”I said a loooot of things but basically mentioned my favorite rather weird planet…its made out of diamonds or well pure carbon” she admitted with a grin.

Right…Kirk had a point with the whole idea of some constellations not being visible from Scotland…still, Mel wanted to throw her ideas into the ring. Three constellations.

She was going to do this.

Raising her hand the Gryffindor added some answers of her own, ”I believe that Aquila or the eagle is visible from Scotland in October, as well as Equuleus or the little horse constellation, and delphinus or the dolphin constellation…” Mel grinned up at Professor B and hoped she’d at least gotten the constellations right after all the three ere just ones she had rather liked in general.
"Aquila is visible during the summer months. Equuleus can be viewed in September." Kei said with a smile. "Delphinus can also be viewed in September."

Originally Posted by NifflerFan View Post
Emmeline returned Abey's smile and wave with big ones of her own, and gave Stasya a grin as she sat near them too. "Hi Abey! Hi Stasya! How's Dobby?"

Most inconveniently the professor chose that moment to start talking. They were talking about STARS today, yay! Emmeline thought stars were close to being 'the prettiest things ever', and they were definitely 'the prettiest things in the sky except for comets'. So they were supposed to being telling the professor constellations that could be seen in October. Ummm, she had no idea? "Professor, is this when the big and little spoon ones come out?" That was the extent of her constellation knowledge. Her classmates seemed to know a lot more about this subject, since they named several other constellations.

She was trying to be a good student, really. She'd written down maybe two of her classmates' answers, because big kids and Ravenclaws were always right, when someone said "pegasus." This naturally made her think about the two types of winged horses down in the barn, and how there were BABY ones, and how she really wanted to pet them. Of course she had to draw a baby pegasus right now in her Astronomy notes. Creatures take priority over everything!
"The Big Dipper and the Little Dipper can be view all year round and only in the Northern Hemisphere they can be viewed."

Originally Posted by Felixir View Post
"Mhmm!" Abey replied, mega ultra super chipper even after having to do the writing thingy. "Hope you're doing well too, Professor!" he added, because that was RESPECTFUL and respect was mega ultra super important. Ooooh, and he had an Emmeline sat with him too. She got a big smile and a wave. "Hi Emmeline!"

Abey was ready, SO READY. Mega ultra super chipper ready, even though he was actually actually ACTUALLY terrible at Astronomy. All the cool pictures of space stuff that they got to look at made up for it. Galaxies were so pretty, you see.

Hmmm, but maybe he'd magically improved since last time. Magically without having done any studying or reading or anything. Soooooo he listened, ready for the first question that was about to come at them, suddenly thinking that perhaps it would be something he'd know and then he'd be able to answer and AMAZE EVERYONE IN THE ROOM WITH HOW SMART HE WAS.

... Orrrrrrrrrrr not. Well, that was okay too. In fact, it was much more normal for Abey to have not a clue what was going on in Astronomy, sort of like right now. He didn't know the answer, but he made sure to do his best to try and sit still and listen and focus.

Except it was mega hard to remember the constellations people were saying, especially the ones he didn't recognise. In fact, the more people were saying, the less he could remember, but Abey knew that someone had said 'Aquarius', which he remembered because it was a star sign, and 'Pegasus', which he knew because it was a sort of horse, maybe. Sitting there quietly while everyone else answered, he tried to commit at least those two to memory. October constellations, yes.

Oh! But he had a question though!

"Professor, can everyone in the world see the same constellations in October?" he piped up. "Liiiiike... do people in Egypt see the same constellations in October as people here in Scotland? Or, what abooouuuuut... an Australian October? Do they still see Pegasus there? And Aquarium?"
"It depends on one's location." Kei smiled at Abey. "Depending if you live in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere's you will see different constellations. When the Earth rotates you will see a change in the sky and the stars you see." As for the Southern Hemisphere. "Australians can see Aquarius during their Spring season and Pegasus can be seen when they're experiencing Summer." she hoped that answered his question.

Originally Posted by hermygirl View Post
Having returned to her desk from dropping off her paper in the basket, Sam couldn't help but wonder if her classmates were purposely ignoring the obvious. She'd learnt many years ago that some stars were always present in the sky in the northern hemisphere. She always searched for those ones first, to help anchor her view, before searching out the others.

"The Plough and Cassiopeia," she said, raising her hand. "There's also the Summer Triangle which lasts into November."
Before answering anything she was going to go back to basics before answering Sam's question. "Going back to the basics of Astronomy, a constellation is a group of stars forming a recognizable pattern that is traditionally named after its apparent form or identified with a mythological figure." She wasn't getting ahead of anything right? "Correct but Cassiopeia just like Andromeda can be visible all year 'round in the Northern Hemisphere." Keiyona looked over at Sam with a smile. "Actually Plough, also known as the Big Dipper is not a constellation, it's an asterism." she paused for a second. "An asterism is a pattern or group of stars that is recognized in our planet's night sky. An asterism is typically smaller than a constellation." Keiyona looked around to make sure she wasn't explaining everything too fast for the students.

These were all excellent questions! She didn't know if she wanted to get into the Summer Triangle yet. "There are seven major constellations in the mother of October. Aquarius, the water bearer. Cepheus, known as the king. Grus, the crane. Lacerta, the lizard. Octans, the octant. Pegasus, the winged horse and Piscis Austrinus, the southern fish." She paused just in case anyone wanted to write this down, they didn't have to write this down if they didn't want to. "The two most popular of the seven constellations are Aquarius, contains two globular clusters and one open cluster and Pegasus, is home to a single globular star cluster. The remaining constellations of October are mostly composed mainly of faint stars with no deep sky objects worth a mention of." Moving on to the next simple question.

"Can anyone name one constellation that is only viewed in the Norther Hemisphere?"

OOC:Class will continue in 24 hours!

maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive

maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
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