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Join Date: Feb 2016 Location: Hazbin Hotel
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Norman A. Carton Graduated Hogwarts RPG Name: Sydney M. L. Masters Slytherin Third Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Maddox B. Buchanan Gryffindor Fourth Year Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Caledon Roth The Leaky Cauldron | Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll Quote:
Originally Posted by Erindipity This cat was DEFINITELY Marchand's familiar. Dora could tell beyond the shadow of a doubt. All fluffy and soft and mild mannered. Yep. Totally Professor Marchand. And if Dora knew what the man was thinking she would tell him OF COURSE his familiar sensed his emotions and such. That was what they were for, right? Alas, she did not. So she kept her thoughts to herself about the pretty kitty.
Dora continued to scratch the cat's ears as she listened to the Charms dude. And she noted the shock and wide eyes and such, yet remained silent until he finished speaking. No need in making him angry or sad or something. "Sir, I don't take food or drinks from any of my professors. No one. It's not just you, so you ought not to take offense to that. Thanks to Professor Myers shrinking us against our will one term I tend not to trust anyone. Besides, my uncle taught me to have constant vigilance... and shared a story with me about HIS time at Hogwarts. It has been documented to have happened more than once, this tainted food and drink. Better safe than Sorry," she said with a shrug. Not that she imagined anyone would believe her or understand her aversion, she still stood by her choices and never wavered. Nope. "And I was merely trying to help Derf. And have I ever given you or any other professor a reason to think I am a bully? I may not be the nicest person in the world, nor do I always have a great disposition... but I am not and never will I be a BULLY. That's rather insulting actually."
And then add insult to injury the man was LAUGHING at her. This was no joking matter, really. She was being very sincere and serious. And didn't appreciate being laughed at. Ever. Hirsch had done it last term and she had YET to forgive the man. Hmph. So as Dora's face turned from soft to hard lines she straightened her back and crossed her hands in her lap. "Well. I wish you the best of luck, sir. Now. May I please be excused? I have some studying to do," she said in a proper and clipped tone. Here was a girl willing to help and he was laughing at her. RUDE. Gaston wasn't exactly sure how he expected Miss Umbridge to answer his question, but it certainly wasn't the answer he got! Again, his bright blue eyes widened in shock as the girl told him about her uncle and about Paul shrinking the students. That didn't sound like Paul at all,
but he had no reason to doubt the girl! He nodded. "I... I understand," he said. "I had no idea until just now." He must've still been at Beaubatons when the incident happened, and it wasn't exactly the kind of thing that came up in conversations with the Herbology professor or with other students. "I'm not offended now that I know. I can't say I blame you for being cautious. It sounds to me like the incident in my class was all just one big misunderstanding."
And speaking of misunderstandings... The professor had been holding out hope that they could put this behind them, but Miss umbridge's next words made the faint glimmer of hope in his eyes go out. Now he felt even worse than ever! "I didn't mean to insult you, Miss Umbridge," he said, his expression darkening. "I was only trying to explain where I was coming from.... and apologize." Come to think of it, he was starting to feel insulted too! What else was he supposed to think upon seeing a student smack a cup of cocoa out of someone's hand?! "I know you aren't a bully. I just wish you understood..." His voice trailed off, but he forced himself on. "Bullying is something I try to watch out for, and..." He'd dealt with it all his life, but he would not allow it to happen to his students! "...and when I saw... I jumped to a conclusion and it was the wrong one, and I'm sorry."
Gaston was still inwardly berating himself for saying the wrong thing again when he noticed Miss Umbridge's expression harden. Well, this conversation was going nowhere fast! It seemed the harder he tried to win her forgiveness, the more he set her off. He wracked his brain, wondering what he did wrong this time, and eventually reasoned it was because he laughed.
"I wasn't laughing at you, Miss Umbridge, honest," he said. "I was laughing at myself because everything you said is true - I don't stand up for myself.
People do take advantage of me - and because I was relieved that you'd offered to help me. I thought it meant we could finally put our differences aside..." But it looked like he was wrong.
He heaved a sad, exasperated sigh. He was done apologizing; he was done explaining himself; he was done hoping she would understand! Now he realized that no matter what he did, she would only assume the worst of him, and it hurt. "But now I see the only thing this conversation has accomplished is making you angrier and me sadder," he said, dismissing her with a wave of his hand. "Yes, you may go, Miss Umbridge." Quote:
Originally Posted by Watson He was fine? Did fine mean fine or did it have another definition? Also Professor Marchand dropped his gaze.... was he hiding something? Hmm... Sometimes the word had multiple meanings but she decided not to pursue the string of concerns in her mind. It wasn't exactly her place, was it? At least at Beauxbatons, it would not have been appreciated with some of the Professors. "I'm well, much better this term than last term. I haven't had to visit the Hospital Wing yet," she chuckled.
Taking a sip of the coffee, she smiled at his response. She shouldn't drink too much. She had three cups the other morning and had been bouncing off of the castle walls. "More coffee? That's sounds like a dangerous offer, Professor. Thanks!" Her brothers, in particular Simon, had been the ones to instill manners in her.
Professor Marchand's response was realistic and what Olivia needed. The fact that he had said that it was difficult to learn and that he still struggled it made her a little nervous about it all. She began feeling more comfortable when he offered to help her despite still struggling with it. "I'd really appreciate you helping me with this," she grinned, truly meaning every word of it'll. It was awesome that he had offered to help her. Seriously. Other professors could have turned her away and back on her wild goose chase. Olivia noticed the slight eye drop and she restrained a frown. Why was Professor Marchand sad? He was awesome and a great Head of House. "Maybe helping me learn it can help you master it? The more the practice, the better!" Somehow Gaston got the idea that Miss Holden didn't believe him when he said he was fine - and she was right not to - but to his relief, she didn't press the issue. He didn't want to burden the girl with his problems! Despite his sadness, he couldn't help but chuckle a little along with the girl. "I'm glad to hear it, Miss Holden," he said with a small smile. "A trip to the hospital wing is never a good start to the term!" And he would know; the same thing happened to him during his first term here. He shook his head at the memory of the poltergeists' dangerous antics. At least they only had one of them to deal with now!
His smile turned into a laugh when the girl called his offer for more coffee dangerous. "I think it's a risk I'm willing to take," he said. "You're very welcome." Oh and that reminded him! He gently slid the glass candy dish on his desk a little closer to his student. "Would you like some chocolate too?" he asked, silently berating himself for not thinking to offer it to her sooner.
Gaston wasn't sure how Miss Holden would react when he told her he still struggled with wandless magic. Would she get discouraged? Judge him?
Tell Hawthorne that he was incompetent at his job? He blinked dumbly.
The girl's words of encouragement caught him by surprised, but he smiled nonetheless. "That's the spirit, Miss Holden!" he said, beaming back at her.
Gaston was silent for a moment as he tried to decide what would be the best way to approach the subject. "Wandless magic is the purest form of magic," he said. "It's the magic we are born with and more so than any other type of magic is tied to our emotions, which is what makes it so difficult to control. It takes strong focus and concentration, but in order to be successful at it, you must feel the spell you're casting." He paused to give time for the information to sink in before going on, "When you're just starting out or if you tend to be easily overwhelmed by emotion, it's may help to match the spells you practice to your mood, for example..."
He waved a hand, and the shades on the windows drew themselves and all the lights went out, casting the office into complete darkness.In the dark, he drew his wand and with a quick flick turned the lights back on. "Does that make sense so far?" he asked.
__________________ Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led  If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true... |