• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •
"Hey Sorin-Ward." Kirk grinned back at his fellow mate. Was it just him or was Mel trying to take a peek at what he wrote? If he had glanced over before folding the parchment he would've noticed. But alas, by the time he turned his head she was already writing on her own parchment.. were those pens? Hm. Must've been his imagination.. though now that got him curious on her interest in this subject. "So you wanna share your favorite or me first?" Maybe after the Professor spoke he'd find out.
Aw, all the good ones were already mentioned. Pegasus was his favorite to spot. He rose his hand though, after hearing a younger Gryffindor ask about constellations only being seen in some parts of the world. "Professor, I think you can also see the constellations Lyra, Andromeda and Orion here in Scotland." That had to be right, right? |