Join Date: Jul 2009 Location: lost in the mountain
Posts: 20,577
Hogwarts RPG Name: Periwinkle Evie Paeng Slytherin Fifth Year | Bre Bear | Asherine | Whisper | Kemmy | Raeney | Madyra | Bumble Bee SPOILER!!: GREETINGS Quote:
Originally Posted by emjay Henry was a little tired, but that was mostly because he was always up early and was plenty busy during the day. Still, he tried to be as cheerful as possible as he headed to the Astronomy tower for an evening class. Astronomy might not be his best subject, but he did generally enjoy it for the most part.
Woah, was he the first one here? That was weird. But he shrugged to himself before taking a seat up front and center, greeting the professor on his way. "Good evening, Professor!"
His eyes fell to the parchment on the desk and he looked up at the instructions on the board. The first stuff was easy, obviously. But what was his favorite part about Astronomy? He wasn't sure. Well, he had an idea but he wasn't sure it was that appropriate or wanted to really discuss that with Professor Berkovich. He was kind of fascinated by stars and the like, so he supposed he'd write that down. That wasn't too generic, was it? "Good evening, Henry!" the Hufflepuff prefect got a smile. Quote:
Originally Posted by Watson In a galaxy far, far away, there was..... an Astronomy lesson? Olivia had just finished watching the very first movie of the series, A New Hope, (the original one not the prequels). Then she had glanced at her watch and realized that it was almost time for the lesson. Leaving the comforts of her dormitory, she wandered across the corridor and into the classroom. " Good evening, Professor," she said and then headed more into the empty classroom. Wow. She must have been pretty early, huh? Nothing Henry, she took a seat by him and grinned. " Hello Henry! How's it going?"
Olivia directed her attention towards her parchment and quickly scribbled down thoughts on it to answer the sections. Then she folded it up and placed it into the pink basket at the Professor's desk. "Good evening, Olivia." Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo Jessa looooooooved when the Astronomy lessons actually took place during the night. Don't get her wrong, those early evening and sometimes midday--depending on the study--lessons were alright too but night was when you could get a full grasp of the subject and really feel like you were learning about the vast area of space.
The Third Year walked into the Astronomy classroom. Choosing a spot in the circle and giving a wave to those already present, Jessa pulled out her quill to copy down the information that appeared on her name tag. "Hello Professor."
At first, she wondered WHY they needed to be writing down their names again but quickly realized these little tag cards would be brought up to the board. Kinda made sense under those circumstances.
With that filled out, the girl made her way up to the desk, dropping it into the basket before re-taking her seat. The stars were lovely tonight, weren't they? She bet Kirk would love it. "Hello Olivia." Quote:
Originally Posted by Charely Potter Kirk enjoyed these classes, especially when it happened during the evening into the night sky. It was looking nice tonight.. there were many things in the sky as well, waiting to be discovered which attracted him. So when it was time for Astronomy, he followed suit to where the class took place, "Hello Professor." He greeted before choosing a spot to sit. He saw a few others already there, including Jess, did she notice how nice the stars were?
Grinning a little at them before Kirk fetched some parchment to write out. Once he filled out the parchment he folded it into a teeny tiny shape before dropping it into the pink basket. Now he could sit back and relax. "Good evening, Kirk." Quote:
Originally Posted by oh its Erik ok Why did they have to have class a night? Théo did not understand. This was around the time he procrastinated. He hoped he would not be bored enough to sleep because that is the last thing he needed. "Hi Professor"
She was pretty and Théo still not used to it. He took a random seat not really caring and what was this at his desk. Oh it said on the board. Ok he got it Professor.
And he folded it up and back up to the Professor's desk to put it in her pink basket. "Hello Théodore." Quote:
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog Kitty walked into the starlit Astronomy classroom and said, "Hi Professor. How are you? Nice ceiling." Then she went over to her desk on the left (admiring how her name appeared on the plate) and began filling in her paper.
Name: Kitty DuGray Valentine
Year: 6th
House: Ravenclaw
What is your favorite thing about the subject of Astronomy? I like comparing it to Astrology and examining the crossovers.
Then she folded and dropped it in the pink basket. "Hello Kitty. I'm amazing, you? Thank you." Quote:
Originally Posted by Harron Peasley Climbing up the stairs to the Astronomy Tower, Felicity reflected on one of the reasons that she loved this subject: no matter where in the world you were, the stars were the same. So when her parents looked up, hundreds of miles away, in London and Cumbria, they were seeing the same thing. And a few hours ago, when her family and friends at home in the States had looked up, they'd seen the same stars. It unified the world, and it made her feel more at home. "Evening, Professor," Felicity managed, before her eyes feel on Jessa. She smiled as she made her way over, and dropped her bag down at the desk next to her. "Hey, Jessa."
Without sitting down, Flick pulled a piece of parchment and a quill from her bah and hurriedly scribbled the information from the board down.
She quickly folded it and put it into the basket on the Professor's desk, before returning to the seat next to Jessa and settling herself down. "Good evening, Felicity." Quote:
Originally Posted by Felixir Classes at night were so much better than classes at day.
... At the day? In day? ... Day classes. Night ones were better. Aside from anything else to do with somehow being more awake for classes that occurred at night, ASTRONOMY was the only one that ever did it, which meant night classes were different, ERGO MORE EXCITING.
"Gooooooood evening, Professor!" Abey practically chirped as he entered the room, feeling quite chipper.
Except that he had regrets aproximately 0.00000000002 milliseconds after taking his seat in the classroom. Astronomy was a tricky one, because a lot of it was practical work BUT ALMOST ALWAYS INVOLVED THEORY AT THE SAME TIME. Today, they were starting off with writing things down at once. Regrets™. Was it too late to make a dash for the exit? ... Probably. Oh, bludger.
So, instead, he made a strangled noise of sad displeasure before pulling the paper closer to him and squinting hard at the blackboard. Okay, written words had always been difficult to decipher actually, but what was their whole deal now with BLURRING too? That wasn't fun. He didn't sign up for this. It wasn't in his contract.
He didn't have a contract, but if he did, this wouldn't have been in it.
Once Abey had (finally) worked out what he needed to do, he got out his quill and ink ready to write everything down. Did the professor reeeeeeeally actually need all this information? Surely she knew them all by now and also actually Abey didn't want to wriiiiiiiiiiittttteeeeeeeeee uGH.
But he did. Because what else was a kid to do? HE WAS POWERLESS.
That done, he went and added his parchment to the basket, sort of intentionally mixing them up so it wasn't obvious which one his was, before quickly returning to his seat. Keiyona smiled at Abey. "Good evening, Abey! Doing well I hope?" she loved see her students happy. Quote:
Originally Posted by Schroyers Oliver walked into the classroom and noted the changes, the posters were an interesting touch but he knew very very little about Astronomy.. So he wasn't sure who these quotes were from. Just names on a wall. Hmm.
He looked toward the Professors desk and it was like he forgot was she looked like between the feast and now. But like........What.. Now he was sure he understood how his classmates felt about Hirsch because like... That is one of his Professors!? Something didn't exactly add up there. But nevertheless he proceeded to his desk.
By bumping into it a little.
The fifth year took his seat and noted the paper on the desk, somehow managing to read the blackboard. Right. He had to answer things now.. On paper..
Did that work? He didn't actually know, it probably sounded stupid but whatever. Oliver took the paper, folded it and put it where the blackboard said he was supposed to. Trying not bump into anything... Or you know.. Stare. Keiyona noticed Oliver bumping into his desk. "Are you alright?" there was a slight concern tone in her voice. Quote:
Originally Posted by thekraken Astronomy was the best course Hogwarts had to offer. Althea had often struggled with her interest in the subject as she had a tendency to want to solely focus on it and would disregard the others. This term, she would do better to balance out how she studied. She was also excited because there was a new professor teaching Astronomy this term. The Hufflepuff had only caught glimpses of her, but...she seemed very capable. Yes. Very capable.
Althea walked into the room with the sole purpose of sitting close enough to the front so she could pay attention better. She even smiled. That purpose, however, completely disintegrated once she actually saw the professor up close. "Good Evening, Prof–oh nope," she said quickly. YIKES. Althea shook her head, kept it down and sat down way off to the side, away from the distraction that was her face. The disrespect was real™. She tried her best to write as neatly as possible but unfortunately she was nervous and so her handwriting came out weird.
After folding the paper neatly, she summoned the courage to stand, walked straight towards the desk and quickly dropped the paper in the bin. Her walk back to her seat was quick and she made it a point to turn her face and stare somewhere else. The Astronomy professor gave Althea a smile. "Hello, Althea." Keiyona smiled and greeted the Hufflepuff. Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising Skylar struggled with Astronomy, not because she didn't like it, but because she felt the professors who taught it were so temporary. Four years at Hogwarts and four different professors, so why should she trust that this one was going to be different? She seemed nice enough, but Skylar knew better to get attached, especially when it came to this subject. "Evening Professor," Skylar said nonchalantly, as she took a seat near the back of the room, reading the instructions on the board. Eh, she almost wished she had sat closer to the front, since she had to apparently drop off some notes before class began. Quickly, the fourth year jotted down the required text:
It was kind of lame, her favorite thing, and truthfully, maybe not really her favorite thing. But it was the first thing that popped into her head and it kind of worked. Folding the paper, she then walked it back up front to drop it in the pink basket before returning to her seat
"Good evening, Skylar." Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga Classes were a pain, all of them except DADA. They were a distraction from all of his work. He needed to focus on his parseltongue research. He had to find the loophole in this and he would. It would be the greatest breakthrough in the history of Wizards and then he'd be able to be the next dark lord.
Moving into class he looked around and gave the professor a nod before heading to an empty desk near a puff (Althea) that seemed like she would leave him alone. He scribbled down the information he needed and watched curiously as the girl got up and threw something away.
While his eyes were up and not in his book he scanned the room. Not that he had many friends to sit by, but he could play nice to people he knew. Keiyona noticed the younger Slytherin boy walk in and gave him a smile. Quote:
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 Shay stifled a yawn as she entered the Astronomy classroom. Astronomy was not her strongest subject and evening classes took some getting used to, but she was determined to do her best. "Hello Professor", she said, trying to sound perky.
The Ravenclaw found a seat and was surprised to see her name appear on the desk nameplate. She looked up at the blackboard and followed the instructions written there. Taking out her quill, she began to write her identifying information on the paper laying on her desk.
When she finished writing, Shay folded her paper several times. Then she walked it up to the professor's desk and dropped it into the pink basket. Back to her seat, Shay went. She sat back down, prepared her materials and settled in for the class that would soon begin. "Hello Shay." Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin In the list of classes that offered literally NOTHING to Katy's long range plans, Astronomy was the least boring. And with a new professor, there was a fresh start and a chance for a new professor to convince Katy that Astronomy was a worthwhile pursuit. After her OWLs this year, she'd have to seriously consider dropping the subject.
"Good day, Professor," Katy smiled politely at the women before slipping into a seat. She wasn't super invested, so it was a middle of the pack type seat. No extra attention, but she wasn't goofing off in the back of class. With a flourish, Katy removed her quill and began scribbling the answers to the professor's prompts. "Good evening, Katy." Quote:
Originally Posted by Lady of Light Astronomy.. Etta liked the subject. Not as much as Charms, maybe.. but it definitely was an interesting class. Plus, they had a new professor this year, who seemed quite competent. She entered the classroom, giving the professor a bright and cheerful smile. "Hello, professor! Hope you're doing well today."
She slipped into a seat next to Henry and gave him a light nudge, her eyes falling down to the parchment on her desk. Hmm. The instructions seemed simple enough. She neatly started to write and once she finished, dropped it into the pink basket. "Hello! I'm doing very well, Etta, thank you for asking. I hope you're doing well too." Quote:
Originally Posted by NifflerFan
Emmeline didn't understand why she couldn't visit the barn or leave her dorm after dark if she had to leave the room for classes at midnight. Grown ups made up such dumb rules sometimes, but then again, maybe that monster from last term people kept mentioning snuck around the grounds at night or something. At least Astronomy lessons were usually not-boring. They weren't as good as DADA or Charms, and of course nothing compared with CoMC, and wouldn't it be fun to fly at midnight? But still, in Astronomy you could learn about cool things like black holes, or pretty things like stars, and Emmeline appreciated that in a class. "Hi Professor," Emmeline smiled as she greeted the professor, whose name she didn't remember yet.
Glancing around the room, she noticed that Derf, Stasya, and Miss Olivia with Mr. Rooney were ALL not here yet. But Abey was here, so she slid into a seat near his. Hopefully Derf and Stasya would sit with them too? And Miss Olivia nearby? That would be the perfect situation in the Gryffindor's opinion. "Hiii Abey," she chirped as she sat down.
At least the sky was really pretty tonight. This would be a good night for stargazing if they were going to do that. It took a while, but eventually Emmeline's attention alighted on the blackboard. Oh, they were supposed to be doing something. With a sigh, Emmeline dug some supplies out of her bag -- parchment, Astronomy notebook, quill, and ink -- and set to writing down the stuff the board said they had to write.
Done! Emmeline marched up to the professor's desk and deposited her parchment into the pink basket with everyone else's. She was kind of surprised that the professor needed stuff like their names and Houses after a whole month of being in school, but maybe the Astronomy professor had problems remembering names like Emmeline did? This thought endeared the professor to the young Gryffindor as she made her way back to her seat. Finally, a grown up that maybe wasn't perfect all the time. "Hello Emmeline." Quote:
Originally Posted by Optimist.Prime Melbourne grinned as she spotted her friend and looked around the room. ”Hello Professor Berkovich!” Melbourne grinned up at the absolutely stunning woman and smiled. Mel loved Arithmancy, really, loved it and couldn’t help but smile at the idea that she had a creative study room! That was brilliant…right, she needed to find her seat.
Looking around the room Melbourne saw him…Kirk! She hadn’t worked with him in class for almost a week now and that HAD to be changed. ”Hey Forsfelle,” she grinned as she tried to lean over to see what the younger boy had written on his parchment…darn it. All she had seen was his name and year. That wasn’t cool she couldn’t tell if he had written down something about something utterly amazing and cool…and gosh, she wanted to know more…besides, he was her friend after all.
Finishing writing down her little list Mel simply glanced around the room once more. Waving to her friends that had already arrived she started to set up her desk with her favorite spiral notepad (because that was easier than unrolling a scroll EVERYtime she wanted to add more notes), handy muggle pens that Carl and Hadley had introduced to her...oh, and c'mon she wasn't an idiot unlike what some people might have thought about her. She had, after all always been the curious type and pens were intrinsically easier than quills and ink. "Hello Melbourne." Quote:
Originally Posted by SilverTiger Stasya had yawned as she had climbed the stairs up to the Astronomy Tower, having spent as much time out in the barn with Dobby as she’d been allowed after dinner. In fact, she had basically had to be told to go back up to the castle, nearly having forgotten about the Astronomy lesson until she’d been halfway up to the towers. She understood why having lessons at night made sense, but it didn’t change that she was tired. She was determined not to fall asleep, though. She could sleep later.
Her mood had brightened distinctly when she’d seen that several of her favorite people were already sitting in the classroom, though, and she had given Henry, Etta and even Jessa a wave as she had made her way over to where Abey and Emmeline were sitting. “Good evening Professor Berkovich,” she had added, not really as an afterthought. She just hadn’t really looked up to the front to see the professor there until now, plus, tired. She thought that meant she could be excused from not being quite as observant as usual.
Except she’d turned to give Emmeline a grin when she’d sat down, pulling out a sheet of parchment from her bag to follow the instructions on the board. “Hi!,” she’d said as quietly as possible, even as she’d begun scribbling down the information required.
Once she’d finished, she’d folded up the parchment as tiny as possible and left her seat to bring it up to the basket with everyone else’s before she’d returned to her seat and finished getting her things ready for the lesson.
"Good evening, Stasya." Quote:
Originally Posted by Govoni ... Apparently, someone was starting to grow at an expedited rate again, since their achy joints were especially achy today. And by someone, she clearly meant herself. Having already cast two Feather-Light charms on her person, to take the pressure off her knees, Olivia huffed and puffed her way into the Astronomy classroom. Pausing to rest just inside the doorway, the blonde doubled over, propping both hands on her knees to regain some semblance of a normal breathing pattern. Things to put on her 'to do' list: MORE CARDIO....
It was EFFORT trekking up and down these stairs everyday. If someone wanted to be truly helpful, they'd install muggle elevators. OR at the Ministry. Science and tech wizards, get on that. Oh, hello, Althea...
Once she was good to go again, Liv swept across the room to occupy the seat next to her Hufflepuff friend; taking stock of the strange she did EVERY Astronomy lesson. They were just odd, okay? She had this irrational fear of seating herself one day and the nameplate saying something unsavory. Magic could go wonky. One could never know. "Miss Althea." Her tone was casual, airy, and mostly teasing. "I hope you're well today." You know, with how enlighteneD, she seemed these days. Casual. So casual.
Digging a quill from her bag, Liv quickly fill out the parchment, rolling her blues eyes at the 'favorite' question. Why did professors do this? She didn't want to be asked what her favorite was, because quite honestly, she didn't know. How could she make a decision about favorites when there was still so much to learn about the subject? So, with a frown, Olivia quickly jotted an answer and folded up the bit of parchment. Off to the pink basket you go... Keiyona noticed a Gryffindor walk in and she gave the girl a smile. Quote:
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi Mason entered the astronomy classroom with his school bag hanging over his shoulder. He gave a quick look around at the room to see if he saw what they were going to learn today before he moved towards an empty desk in the semi circle the Professor had set up for tonights class. "Hello Professor" he greeted politely as he placed his bag on his desk and pulled out his textbook and ink and quill. He then grabbed the nameplate but realised it was already charmed to spell his name. Neat. "Hello Mason." Quote:
Originally Posted by Waterloo Astronomy was one of Maxton's favourite subjects. There was a MASSIVE universe out there and they were just one teeny tiny, minuscule part of it. He was eager to learn about the rest and hurried quickly into class.
He found himself a place in the circle of desks and filled out the little slip the Professor had left there:
Please write the following on your paper.
He moved towards the Professor's desk to leave the slip in the basket along with the rest of his classmates. Kei smiled at the boy as he placed his paper in the basket next to her. Quote:
Originally Posted by RachieRu Astronomy. Harriet liked this subject. It wasn't her best, but she always tried really hard, and that was all that counted right? Or as long as she passed her OWL in the subject next year, then it would be okay. For now she was just going to try her best in the class. The blonde smiled as she entered the class room. She hoped it would be an interesting class. "Hello Professor" The hufflepuff greeted, before she headed to find herself a seat.
She sat herself down, and then filled out the little information sheet for the professor. She wished she'd brought her better ink now, but oh well
Once she had finished, she got up, placed the parchment into the professors basket and then returned to her seat.
The woman smiled as the last student (Hattie) had walked into the classroom. Keiyona was still leaning against her desk as the last student had walked into the classroom. She gestured her hand for the classroom door to close. "Good evening everyone!" the tone in her voice was cheery and her Ugandan accent was a little thick. Kei stopped leaning on her desk and looked around at all the students. "Welcome back to Astronomy!" yes, she is one of those happy-go-lucky, cheery professors. "Before I get into tonight's lesson I would like to ask all of you a simple question." she paused for a moment, she knew that late night classes were not the best for most of the students. she had to admit that late night lessons weren't the best for her but she had tea and that's all that mattered right now, other than her students and this lesson. "Can anyone name three constellations that can be see in October?" OOC: Class has officially begun! Class will continue in 24 hours!
__________________ maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive  maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise |