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Old 05-18-2017, 07:17 AM   #44 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Join Date: Jul 2009
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Dora furrowed her brow as she turned to listen to her Headmistress. A full ride scholarship? Anywhere? That was lovely... and she immediately began to look around the room. Who was going to be chosen? And how?

And just like that, Headmistress Hawthorne held up the book. It was indeed GORGEOUS. The blonde watched it in silent awe as it floated around the room, its bright light shining. As it floated over her head she found herself smiling up at it dreamily. Books were her escapism, really. And this one used to belong to Merlin himself! How cool was that?! Her eyes followed it back to the dais, her nerves going on edge as it began to shine runes into the air.

MASON!! How awesome! He got a small fist pump, but her eyes didn't find his just yet. Because after the next Ilvermorny pupil... her... HER name? Wait. What?! Had it just shot runes that shifted into HER NAME into the air? Could someone please confirm or deny that? Her mouth hung open even after the final name was announced and the book slammed shut. And finally her eyes traveled over first to Mason and then to her house table. Where was Charlotte? Certainly she had heard that incorrectly and it had actually shown Charlotte Kettleburn?

Anyone? ANYONE? Cofirm or deny.

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