Classes were a pain, all of them except DADA. They were a distraction from all of his work. He needed to focus on his parseltongue research. He had to find the loophole in this and he would. It would be the greatest breakthrough in the history of Wizards and then he'd be able to be the next dark lord.
Moving into class he looked around and gave the professor a nod before heading to an empty desk near a puff (Althea) that seemed like she would leave him alone. He scribbled down the information he needed and watched curiously as the girl got up and threw something away.
While his eyes were up and not in his book he scanned the room. Not that he had many friends to sit by, but he could play nice to people he knew. Quote:
Name: Blaze
Year: Second
House: Slytherin
What do you like about Astronomy: Nothing