Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia Well, originally Natalie had set out to find a good, quiet place to read. The Slytherin common room was still buzzing with excitement about the arrival of the Ilvermorny kids and she just couldn't concentrate in there. And it was a GOOD book. About MERMAIDS. Obviously.
But in the end her search to find a new spot to read just turned into a desire to wander around and search Hogwarts once again. The castle was huge, yes, but Natalie thought she knew it fairly well from her first year. However, things seemed to have changed a little over the summer break. Hmm.
She ended up outside, glad she had put a coat over her sweater before she left the common room. It was starting to get chilly, but it didn't bother her. Walking across the bridge, Natalie stopped halfway through and peered over the edge. Hmm. Scary. Nice view, though. |