Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Tea. Noelle had asked for tea. "I do," Camilla nodded once waving her wand to summon a mug for the tea which she then added water into and heated with her hot air charm. Of course she added the tea bag as well all the while answering Haddie's question on Familiars. "Well this would mainly depend on the person and what you believe. Many believe a familiar is extremely special and very unlikely to come upon but when you do it's a bond stronger then anything else. A familiar will do anything for their companion, help them in anyway they know how."
Professor Stewart couldn't hide the small laugh that left her lips when she noticed Noelle taking down notes. It wasn't entirely necessary but if it helped her stay on task with things then by all means she had no problems with it. "Ah, a wild spirit, you say. Well I'm sure then that it's safe in saying that things are never boring when he's around?" Everyone needed some fun in their lives.
Grandparents signing the forms? From what she knew Noelle lived with her parents so why would she ask this? Camilla gave the Prefect a curious look, one that said if she needed to speak with her about something later on that she could. "I don't see the problem with that but it would be nice if your primary caregiver was the one to sign it." She looked at Haddie than as well. "Getting the forms signed won't be any trouble for you, will it, Miss Denaker?"
Passing Noelle the mug of tea, she picked up her own mug taking a long sip letting the girls take a moment to go over everything that had been said so far. "There aren't any that you need to take but should you want to take any vitamins or anything of the sort you can always ask Healer Reed about that." She could easily name a few should the girls want to take them but speaking with the Healer was always a good idea seeing as how she didn't know if they were taking anything already. She knew about certain situations of course but taking anything new was always something to run by a Healer.
"Do either of you have any other questions?" If not they would continue on with what was to be done this term.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Bread! |