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Gaston leaned against the wall, his eyes tightly closed against the sudden wave of wooziness that threatened to overwhelm him. The charms professor was looking worse for wear lately. He was pale and thin and his once bright blue eyes were now sunken and rimmed in dark shadows. His hair and beard were longer than normal, and there were a few gray strands mixed with the black.
It seemed the lack of food and sleep over the past few months were catching up to him. The dizzy spells were getting worse, but he tried to ignore it. At least if he was tired and starved, it distracted him from being sad. He considered paying a visit to the hospital wing but decided against it. There was no need to annoy River when he had real emergencies to attend to, and besides, he couldn't heal a broken heart. He would just go back to his own office instead.
The hall spun as Gaston blinked and he wobbled unsteadily. He tried to grab onto something for balance, but it was too late. He fell and was out cold.
Sleepless nights had been a regular thing for River ever since he started working at Hogwarts. Not that he hadn't experienced the lack of sleep thing, considering that he was a Healer, but he thought it ridiculous that his paperwork and keeping up with minor accidents seem to be never-ending. Now, this...this is exactly why he held that first seminar of his; to get the kids deal with their own boo-boos if it isn't too serious. See, the school may be a first-class wizarding school, but there was no way it would produce incapable and wailing students all the time, just because they scraped their knee. Entitlement was a no-no for him, and perhaps his colleagues shared the sentiment, yes?
Speaking of colleagues, River had Gaston's medical record on his table, checking and cross-referencing past records from his home country. From those records, River was able to back-track key personnel that would help him understand...Gaston's case. Professor André Evremonde had been a big help since the Healer made contact, and, after exchanging a healthy amount of correspondences, River gave his word that he will look after the man's former Charms student.
Sighing, River sat back in his chair, squeezed his eyes shut and reached behind his spectacles to massage his brows. The day hasn't ended yet, and there he was, wanting to go under his sheets and call it a day. The
portrait of Healers gave him a concerned look, and River was quick to catch the unwanted attention and waved them off.
"I am fine, just exhausted," he said grinning at the ever-helpful group of medieval healers.
"Why don't you get some fresh air, Healer Reed? You've been cooped in this office for hours already." the lead Healer advised, and River absent-mindedly nodded.
"A good stroll will do wonders, yes," River replied as he slowly stood from his seat and quietly exited his chambers.
With his hands tucked behind him, River hung his head in thought and appreciated the fact that he's a lucky fellow. Everything had been wonderful in his life, including his own mishaps. The Healer was about to turn a corner when he caught sight of something...or
someone on the floor. River ran to the person at full speed, and turned the man onto his back and quickly realised who it was, despite his unhealthy appearance. River turned his head towards the direction he came from and summoned his dogs with a sharp whistle. Busting out of the doors were his two furry, humongous rescue companions, each carrying their first aide jackets.
"Roscoe," River gestured his dog to sniff out Gaston's pockets for anything, while he placed his index and middle finger against the professor's neck.
"This is not good," a weak pulse was never good, and the fact that Roscoe did not bark any response only confirmed River's suspicion. The Healer quickly hooked Gaston's arm around his neck and scooped the man off the floor. Noting how light Gaston was, River dashed back to the Hospital Wing with Roscoe and Bumi in tow.